Reasons Why Instagram Stories Must Be Incorporated in Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

When Instagram Stories was introduced in 2016, it became an instant rage and spread just like wildfire. In just about a year...

Instagram Stories

Image Credits: pixabay

When Instagram Stories was introduced in 2016, it became an instant rage and spread just like wildfire. In just about a year in 2017, it bagged over 300 million daily users. In this context, you must know that Instagram obtained phenomenal success because it is predominantly a platform for delivering polished and smart images with a host of effective filters to make the images as eye-catching and stunning as possible.

Instagram Stories is an attractive Instagram feature that allows users to post videos and pictures that would be there for a day and go away after 24 hours. The feature resembles Snapchat Stories which was a popular feature introduced in 2013 and played a crucial role in the growth of the company. Just like Snapchat Stories, Instagram Stories are extremely popular and the content seems to be ephemeral and would not be found on the main Instagram feed or your profile grid.

Instagram Stories are definitely not a passing fad. Social marketers must treat Instagram Stories seriously and effectively leverage the Instagram audience. All savvy brands seem to be already using Instagram Stories and making the most of it.

Instagram Stories have a phenomenal following thanks to new features and nonstop additions such as camera roll uploads and the capacity to go live whenever you like with a friend. It is, therefore, a wise move to dedicate some of your precious time to Instagram Stories. Here are some solid reasons why you must include Instagram Stories in your marketing endeavours.

They Are Just the Way You Want Them to Be

Some brands are in the habit of using Instagram Stories to extend the interactivity of their Instagram feed. Companies are using Instagram Stories to reflect their branding and larger Instagram strategy. You must ask yourself what experience or information could be delivered seamlessly on Instagram Stories that I would not be able to, on Instagram as it is. How could I consider repurposing all my Instagram videos and photos in an innovative manner for Instagram Stories while pursuing my engagement and conversion objectives? You could use Instagram Stories to attract and obtain Instagram likes for your business.

There are numerous engaging and exciting ways that you could grab your target audience’s attention and imagination with amazing Instagram Stories. It is really something that every brand must use as consumers actually find inventive, zany, and unpolished content really endearing. You must realize that Instagram Stories could be helping you interact meaningfully with the Millennials.

You must consider experimenting and testing out what content would actually work wonders with your audience. The timely and reactive nature of Instagram would allow you to present innovative ideas and you would soon realize what works best for your specific audience.

They Are Evolving Consistently with Ever-expanding Features

You have seen Instagram go live. There is something new happening all the time on Instagram. Feel free to post your videos and pictures. You have witnessed the introduction of interactive polls in Instagram Stories. We know that these polls are certainly a frictionless and fun way of engaging your audience and listening to their thoughts and opinions on all the discussed topics. You would never see a week pass by without certain game-changing modifications or additions to the Instagram Stories landscape.

Instagram Stories offer tremendous opportunities for interacting with your Instagram audience in many innovative and thrilling ways. Thus, spreading and boosting awareness about partnerships and marketing initiatives and guiding your target audience toward crucial offers outside Instagram’s purview.

Instagram Stories Benefits Your Business Marketing Strategy

Instagram seemed to have converted from the previous linear chronological feed to the algorithmic style. This implies that your feed would not consist of each and every post shared by people you follow on Instagram. Your feed would instead, demonstrate only those posts that might interest you according to the algorithm based chiefly on factors like likes and engagement. Actually, this particular update meant that businesses must alter their Instagram marketing strategy.  Instagram Stories seems to provide far more flexibility as compared to Instagram marketing. You can also take a look at these Instagram marketing tips.

Diversify Your Strategy

It is essential to diversify your Instagram content to retain the attention and interest of your target audience and effectively cater to their unique requirements and preferences. More often than not, this necessitates incorporating an extra or a new social media platform or channel into your overall strategy. In this case, thanks to Instagram Stories, you are not required to start from scratch with your audience or profile. The main reason to use Instagram Stories is simply that it is a novel feature on the current platform. Suppose you have an Instagram account, you simply need to diversify your content.

Utilize Real-Time Marketing

The current market trends of 2018 provide a vital reason for using Instagram Stories. We know that today Instagram Stories would be supporting the effective utilization of all the real-time marketing practices that are used for reaching your specific target audience too, at the perfect moments. Posting a live sale or an event would motivate an increased number of people to attend and boost connectivity to your business.

Maintain High Quality with a Business Profile

The videos and photos that you post on Instagram usually get saved very much on your Instagram profile unless you purposely delete them.  However, the pictures and videos that you share on Instagram Stories would be disappearing after exactly 24 hours.

This could prove to be beneficial simply because the videos and pictures in your Instagram Stories actually have both contextual and real-time value, however, they do not qualify as premium-quality pictures.

Thanks to Stories now, you can make the fullest use of real-time marketing but there is no cluttering up your profile. You could then effectively treat your own profile just like a portfolio, flaunting your most timeless and definitely the best content.


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Promote & Uphold Exclusivity

By revealing what project you are actually working on through ‘sneak peaks’ of all that is happening at your company behind the scenes, you could add an element or a touch of exclusivity. It is natural for everybody to feel pampered and think that they are very special. You can use Instagram Stories to effectively create hype about the things you are currently involved in.

Add a Personal Touch to Your Engagement

Your face, pictures of your loved ones, pets, and slices of your life make for great content that humanizes your brand and helps your audience relate to you. Consumers prefer buying products or purchasing services from people rather than faceless corporate entities, which is why using Instagram Stories to showcase a more personal aspect of your operations makes a lot of sense; you get to showcase your passion for your work.


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Stories are undoubtedly one of the most popular features on the Instagram platform used by general users and marketers alike. You should definitely be using Insta Stories to some extent in your online strategy. If you are in a competitive field, you might want to hide certain stories that contain revealing information about your tactics or proceedings in your sales and so on from certain users you have identified as your competitors. You could consider making your specific brand more approachable by documenting every step of your journey simply with Instagram Stories.


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Harris Scott

Harris is a leading blog writer and content marketing professional with thousands of real Instagram followers for his postings. In this post, he has highlighted the crucial ways which can help individuals to get high website traffic. At the same time, he has also mentioned about followers for Instagram and other social media platforms.


5 Replies to “Reasons Why Instagram Stories Must Be Incorporated in Your Instagram Marketing Strategy”

  1. I toss a good story here and there Harris because it is an easy way to get my brand noticed. Images rock on IG but folks message me if they see me create stories. I feel it adds a personal element to your campaign because it is video.

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