Lauren Will
Lauren Will is an experienced content writer and blogger based in Dallas, Texas, with a Master's degree in Marketing Management
What Is a Book Video Trailer? There are various ways to market and promote a book, from writing up a press release...
Image Credits: pexels
There are various ways to market and promote a book, from writing up a press release to organizing a meet-up for the release of your book. There is another way to promote and market your book effectively, but this strategy often goes unnoticed by most authors and publishers. Thanks to growing book writing agencies, book video trailers have been gaining popularity in the world of books. Since book video trailers have been recently introduced in the marketing world, people mistake it as a sort of movie that reveals most of your book’s content. In reality, book video trailers serve as teasers or promotional content for a book. It is important to remember that a good book trailer only reveals certain parts and elements of a book. As an efficient marketing tool, you can publish your book’s video trailer across different social media platforms in order to build up your online presence and expand your reach to a broader audience. Think of your book video trailer as something similar to a synopsis but in the form of an enticing and engaging video.
Book video trailers are a unique way to introduce a book to your readers. However, your book video trailer needs to be high-quality and professionally created. Otherwise, this powerful marketing tool can do more damage than good to your book marketing campaign. The best way to ensure you have a good book video trailer is to get it made professionally. Many established and reputable book writing agencies, such as Book Writing Experts, offer top-notch book video trailer services for surprisingly affordable prices. But what determines a good and effective book video trailer, you might ask? Well, let’s look into different elements that play significant in creating an effective and compelling book trailer:
Determining your target audience and understanding what they want is essential when it comes to curating any marketing strategy. The more you are aware of the needs and behaviour of your target audience, the more efficiently you can deliver a message tailored specifically for them. You need to learn about their inspirations and what compels or motivates them. What kind of books have they read and what books they are looking to read next? Once you or the professionals you have hired have created a basic profile of your target audience, you can plan what your book video trailer will look like.
You might be surprised at how short a user’s attention span is while browsing online content. This point is important to remember when you are deciding just how long your book video trailer is going to be. A good and effective book video trailer is about thirty to ninety seconds long. But depending on which medium your target audience is using to view your book’s trailer, the trailer can be slightly longer than ninety seconds. For your social media accounts, use a short trailer as users are more than likely to skip anything longer than two minutes. If you are posting your book video trailer on your official website, a longer trailer might be more suitable. You should have a short and long version of your book video trailer ready to be published on different mediums.
Every book needs an enticing and attractive hook that instantly captures the attention of readers and sparks curiosity in them. A book’s hook is something different from the plot summary and synopsis. The hook doesn’t give much away but compels readers to know more about the book and plot. Consider the hook as a one-sentence long tagline for your book. Your book’s hook should be unique in the sense that it helps the book stand out in the marketplace among all the other upcoming books. To create a book video trailer that isn’t dowsed with unnecessary information, you should focus on expressing the hook of your book. Think of your book’s hook as the base foundation of your book video trailer, and it needs to be concise, strong, and compelling. This will save you from the lengthy process of summarizing your book’s plot or explaining each lesson conveyed in your writing.
When you opt for the use of video to promote your book, you get the chance to use powerful and creative visuals for your book. While this is a great opportunity to provide your readers with a look into your fictional world, it can also set the wrong tone for your book. Setting the right tone for your book through your video trailer requires high-quality visual content, which only professionals can create for you. Book writing agencies that offer services for the creation of book video trailers have great knowledge about the latest trends and tools for designing.
Video content is one of the most popular forms of content that users enjoy. Whether it’s for educational or entertainment purposes, internet users engage with video content on a daily basis. In the United States of America, 77% of internet users that are between the ages of 18 to 25 use YouTube. In addition to that, around 239 million people consume digital video content.
Building up your credibility is not only about how skilled of a writer you are. You also have to make an effort to build up your online presence as a professional author. A high-quality video trailer for your book can significantly help you in that area. It shows that you have put in effort and time to showcase your work and talent, which is not only limited to great writing and storytelling. Releasing a book video trailer won’t launch you to success overnight. But in the long-term, it will certainly benefit your credibility as a professional writer.
Naturally, video content is easy to consume and share for users over various social media platforms. By hiring a book writing agency to create a captivating video trailer for your book, you provide your readers, as well as potential readers, with fun and engaging content that can help them gain information about your upcoming book. If your content is great, users are more than likely to share your book video trailer with their friends and family. This helps your book get a significant amount of exposure. The best way to utilize this advantage is by publishing your book video trailer on your official website, social media pages, Amazon sales page, literary websites, and at events. This is a great way to get your work in front of a large audience and gain new readers.
A professionally designed and produced book video trailer has both visual and audio components. There is more than just texts and illustrations, delivering a memorable experience to your target audience. Book video trailers can help you leave a long-lasting experience that will help your book stand out from the rest of the books in the market. Potential readers will be compelled and interested enough to revisit the trailer and purchase your book as soon as it is published.
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