The Ultimate Guide to Blogger Outreach for SEO

The only purpose of blogger outreach for SEO is to gather influential backlinks to uplift website ranking. In your niche, you might...

Blogger Outreach for SEO

The only purpose of blogger outreach for SEO is to gather influential backlinks to uplift website ranking. In your niche, you might have seen new blogs shoot from nowhere and overtake you in ranking. Their contents might not be necessarily better than yours nor is their design. But possibly they must be very aggressive in blogger outreach for SEO.

If you want your blog to appear on the first page of the search engine and occupy the first three slots, gather backlinks from the authoritative blog in your niche. Since it is hard to ask directly from a stranger, no matter how polite or convincing you might be, you need to develop a watertight strategy.

First, build their trust and over time you will win their trust. Be patient and tactful so that they can open up to you. With hundreds of thousands of blogs on the internet today, you either swim with the current or you sink. Learn to swim with the expert so that you can learn their secret to success.

The links you build must be natural, so they don’t hurt your online rankings. To make sure you don’t make a lot of common backlink building mistakes, check out this step-by-step process on how to build backlinks the right way in 2018.

These simplified yet effective guides will help you gather enough backlinks to boost your ranking. Next time you open your website rank tracker you will be surprised how fast you have improved.

1. create a raw list of blogs in your niche

Starting with the ones you admire most, make a long list of blog you think are influential. Their contents should be from your niche. To get as many blogs as possible, you can use Alltop tool to search among thousands of blogs, especially those that you are not familiar with. All that you need is to key in your keyword and follow the guide to zoom into your specific niche. Compile all blogs which you feel are superior to you in the ranking, or they can be of any help. Try to get as many blogs are you can. You can use a spreadsheet to make your work neat.

 2. Get the names and contacts of bloggers

When you are satisfied with the list, maybe one hundred, dig deeper and come up with the names and contacts information of the people behind these blogs. To do this, you need another tool. Create an account with Follow Wonk and sign in with your twitter account. In the twitter bios, type in your keyword and you will get the names of all Twitter users whose bios have the keyword, just like you. Next, you need to know which Twitter accounts are linked to the blogs. Simply click into their profile to see if it leads to a blog. By now you should have a tidy list of influential blogs, the main bloggers, and their contact information.

3. Get more blogs from Google

Fish some more blogs and their owners from Google search. Any blog with high rank is worthy of adding. If you can find other blogs from social media or from other search engines add them.

Getting more blog will not harm but will only help.

4. Separate big fish from small ones

You still have a large list of blogs and you have to trim it down to a manageable number like twenty so that you can comfortably personalize your communication. Remember these are very influential people and it will be a big mistake to send them all a generalized email; they deserve tailor-made e-mails.

To know who to remove from the list, use Social Authority tool. By tying their names in search Twitter bios, you will see the number of their followers. The more followers a guy has, the more influential his blog is likely to be. However, if a person attracts following from a very famous person like a president, include him; he is far much better than an unknown person who is followed by hundreds of unknown people

5. Communicate with them

Search for them on the internet. Like their Facebook pages and befriend them. Follow them on Twitter. Make sure you positively comment on all their posts. Comment on their blogs. Remember to include your name so that they can get used to you. Let them feel your warmth; in other words, seduce them by letting them know they are important. If they reply to any of your comment, know it is time to move the relationship to another level. Write them a personalized email explaining to them how you admire their contents. By now their ego will be bursting and they will think of you even in their private life.

6. Get the links

Like a true friend you do not let them know your interest from only to get the link. Choose your words wisely so that they feel they are benefiting more by assisting you. Offer to be a guest blogger or anything of value. Let them know you have published something similar to theirs and you are getting a good following, so maybe you can be helpful as you add up on the pool of recourses.

Some, however, may opt to ask for monetary compensation. By all means, give if it is affordable since you will be investing in a very worthwhile cause. When you get your backlinks don’t just disappear. Things are changing very fast and you may find yourself need of him again as early a tomorrow. Remember to give your backlinks to blogs that are below you in rank

If you manage to attract only five influential bloggers and only two agree to give you the backlinks, your SEO ranking will get a big boost and remain high for a long time. This method of Blogger Outreach for SEO produces better results than emailing blogs at random. It builds lasting business relationships.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


7 Replies to “The Ultimate Guide to Blogger Outreach for SEO”

  1. Hello Robin,
    Great and very informative post. Blogger Outreach is a great way to connect with bloggers. I am also doing blogger outreach and it helps me to connect with like-minded bloggers like you and others. It also helps you to spread your words and also helps you to promote your blog as well. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.

    Have a Great day 🙂

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