This is a good way to stimulate inspiration – to prepare some framework from which it is easy to start. For example, today we are preparing content and, it will be a guide to our contextual advertising module – about the regional settings for the online stationery store. The question “What to write about?” simply will not arise. Where did we get that this will be a guide format of content for publications? From the content plan.
How to build such a plan for yourself? Sit down and think carefully: what goals do you set, what proportions between entertainment and sales should be maintained, what formats do you do best – and are best liked on your social networks. And in order not to think in vain, here are two good lists: tasks and content formats. By combining with each other, you will get a working content plan.
Content objectives: from loyalty to sales
The global goal of content is to engage and target the Sales funnel. This means that you need content that not only sells but also works at other stages of the funnel – when the user is not yet ready for decisive action but can take another step in your direction.
1. Forming a brand image
The image is important. Through the content, you can tell a lot about the company, create a positive image, and a good name in the industry. Even those who are not going to buy something from you will at least remember you.
2. Increasing involvement
Info reasons, to which the audience is not indifferent, strengthen the binding to the resource. People know that they can learn from you about something important and relevant, and it increases their involvement – so simply remembering the brand becomes something great.
3. Demonstration of expertise
It is important to convince users that you know your business well. Expert content of any level of complexity will play into your hands. Do not be lazy to share life hacks from the “kitchen” and your own research.
4. Training and education of the audience
The declared expertise gives you the right to training – lessons, instructions. By increasing the level of knowledge of the audience, you get thinking customers. They, in turn, will be grateful for useful information.
5. Incentives for purchases/orders
Articles can “sell your products and services much more successfully than online advertising. Tell us how you help solve clients’ problems, what and how is arranged in your project, etc. – Support the words with successful cases – and offer to go to the purchase.
6. Entertainment as a way of involvement
Tons of serious content can be boring – you need to dilute the publication with entertaining notes. Virtually any topic can be diluted with emotionally colored posts. It is not necessary to post cats or funny cobs – but it is necessary to add live human emotions to the content.
7. Virality as a method of content distribution
The goal of content distribution is always worth it – it is essentially a free way to attract new audiences. Try to make your posts so that you want to share them. And don’t forget about the image component – everything you can share should be with a logo or a mention of the company.
Content options: Format Of Content
Multiply the seven content tasks by seven types of publications. We get 49 ideas of what and how to apply.
- Brand image
- Involvement
- Expertise
- Training
- Sales
- Entertainment
- Virality
In principle, you can come up with a post or publication for each intersection:
- put quotes on the cover and place a logo – one of the solutions to the problem of branding;
- expert commentary on the news under discussion;
- a short lesson in the format of harmful tips – here’s a minute of fun.
But, of course, some formats have a narrower focus – for example, do not expect that the published meme, even if very relevant and made in branded colors, will greatly help sales.
Almost everything works on the brand image. Even your answers in the comments. But the narrow news about changes in the system is unlikely to be very viral.
Therefore, we did not place asterisks on the entire table. But this does not mean that you can not experiment. In addition, some publications can solve several problems at once.
How to use all these content formats?
Inventing types of publications are half the battle. Now, you need to balance the content by the time of release. You can build a plan by distributing content types by day of the week, for example:
- Monday – training day (from week to week you can change the type of materials);
- the first Wednesday of the month – how everything is arranged (technical support, development, sales, accounting, etc.);
- the third Wednesday of the month – history of things, test drive of goods (selling rate);
- the second and fourth Wednesday of the month – case and research, respectively;
- Friday – events of the week, frivolous stories in the form of infographics;
- Well, on occasion – postcards with sayings on social networks.
This is a very conditional plan – it all depends on your current tasks, content production capabilities, audience activity.
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