Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.
Twitter is considered as one of the top slam-dunk assets when it comes to trying to put out of place; negative content...
Twitter is considered as one of the top slam-dunk assets when it comes to trying to put out of place; negative content in the search results.
If your firms’ reputation has been harmed by certain negative content, which ranks when your company name is searched, then a strong Twitter account can be your key resource to push the bad things lower on Google.
Alas, many small businesses, individuals, and reputed agencies have poor conduct when it comes to optimizing Twitter profiles in order to allow this to happen. If you’re one of them, then read on for some “ninja-level” tricks for Twitter tips for better SEO.
When you’re looking out for names of businesses and individuals in the search engine, Twitter accounts could appear on page one of Google, especially if they’ve been properly optimized. For instance, when you search for “Coca-Cola,” the results show the brand’s Twitter account, just beneath the corporation’s listing for their official website. You can search yourself by Google or Check the screenshot below.
Of course, this is an astronomically trendy Twitter account of a strong brand along with sophisticated social media management. Nevertheless, even lesser-known names could attain a place on page one of search engines. Also, if you are on page one, then there’s a good opportunity for you to use your Twitter account to put out of place anything, that’s negative about you on the page.
However, this cannot happen if your Twitter account isn’t correctly optimized. So, let’s launch straight into some amazing ninja twitter tips to maximize the ranking power of your Twitter account.
This is generally counted as one of the two most crucial and dominant aspects of your Twitter optimization attempt. Your handle, which is also known as your username, is built-in by Twitter in your profile URLs and page titles. It can appear several times in the visible text of your profile; and in titles and links pointing from somewhere else to your page.
In order to best optimize your Twitter handle for high ranking, you must create the handle to be spelled as closely as possible to the version of the name, which individual’s type, while searching for you. Those who don’t comprehend search engines, usually get this wrong every time.
Besides the Username field, Twitter also provides you a “Full Name” field, also referred to as “Headline” by some people. This would appear evidently on the top of your profile and right beneath the profile avatar image. Not to mention, it also appears on all of your tweets, along with the avatar icon.
The ‘Full Name’ field is quite significant, as it’s incorporated in the profile page’s Title text, displayed in larger text at the top of the page with headline tag, appears with every tweet, and is an anchor text wherever your tweets appear, thereby linking back to the profile page.
So, the ‘Full Name’ reinforces the search engines what your name is and thus, which keyword series the page must be considered most relevant for. Thus, you must ensure the Full Name imitates the actual name, which most people would search for; hopefully, the character limit (20 characters) is enough to hold the entire name.
The description field is yet another area for you to add certain keywords associated with you. If your name is long enough and can’t be included in the Full Name and Username field, you can surely repeat it in the Bio. Or else, the bio could permit you to incorporate other keyword combinations, which could be worth your online identity in the search results.
The field must describe briefly who and what you are. You may include the Twitter handle and the name of your firm if you are an individual; or your location, if you are a local firm, in the bio. Likewise, if there’s any other keyword that might be mentioned along with your name in the searches, it can be included too.
This should be a no-brainer, but it apparently isn’t, as some people and even businesses, would leave this area blank. Filling the Link field with the website URL could reinforce the rankings in the search results. But, you ought to be sure of using the right and canonical URL.
You must avoid making use of shortened links or redirecting links. Also, the main website shouldn’t be a Facebook page; instead, it has to be a standalone website for your business. Once you’ve added the link, do check it, as at times typos do occur.
With the Location field, this is of utmost importance if you’re related to a specific place. It must be listed as “City Name, State.”
You might be taken aback to learn that simply tweeting a lot would optimize the Twitter profile, and “it actually does.” Every tweet is linked back to your Twitter profile, which is why, the more you’ll tweet, the more links on Twitter would point out to your profile.
But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you could spam others with Tweets through your account, even though Twitter’s anti-spam monitoring systems permit you to do so since there are added factors, which Google uses to determine the value and trustworthiness of tweets pages. Likewise, when other accounts retweet your posts, it would produce links from their profiles, pointing out to yours as well.
Handling Twitter properly with better content could result in building a valuable quantity of links, which builds the profile’s strength. Not to mention, more tweets always equal more chances for links to your profile, so tweet regularly.
Sharing others’ content by retweeting them, or simply by liking their Tweets, would allow you to gain attention from other users. But do you know what’s even better? Certain retweets and Likes would actually offer you links to your Twitter profile.
Just imagine getting a link from the main profile of a well-known Twitter account. Isn’t that amazing? Well, it is definitely possible. But sadly, not every retweet or Like would nab you a link. On the tweet’s primary page, around nine link icons might appear from the sum total set of Twitter users who Liked or retweeted the tweet.
You shouldn’t obsess over becoming one of those nine, yet just keep on Liking and retweeting others’ tweets, which make sense for your topic areas. Ultimately, you would accumulate some valuable links to the profile.
On the one hand, Google states that they don’t really analyze things like the number of followers on Twitter. But on the other, they do analyze links between pages, to determine the relative ranking values, and they might’ve worked to weigh up the reliability of identities connected to social media as well. Put simply; it means followers could be a factor.
So, the more people follow you have, the more they’ll have a chance to see your status update, and the greater opportunity you’ll have of them retweeting your posts. There are numerous ways for you to gain more followers. For starters, you can follow back those who are following you.
You can also pay for advertising on Twitter to gain followers swiftly. There are have several other methods as well, but you ought to proceed cautiously, as some of them require adept experience. However, if you’re finding it difficult to handle SEO all by yourself, you can go to an SEO consultancy to seek assistance with the entire process. And you can also check a post on how you can increase your social media followers.
As per a recent study, it was found that there’s a high correlation between a verified Twitter account and the indexation of its tweets. This is an important indicator that Twitter thinks of verified accounts to be more worthwhile. So, the more your tweets get indexed, the more your profile is likely to gain ranking benefits.
Now, it is quite possible that verified accounts might normally have a number of other signals conveying authority to Google, besides the checkmark icon. So, verification in itself might not be the benefit that these accounts seem to enjoy.
Yes, there are several instances wherein non-verified accounts rank well on Twitter as well as Google. However, there could be certain benefits to this, which is why if you want to cover as many bases as possible, opt for verification.
One of the greatest Twitter tips which I want to give you is to use the “Twitter card meta tag” on your website. I have been getting the benefits of the Twitter card for years. Like Facebook has “Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags.” These tags help Google to understand that you are officially going to use all the accounts. And even this tag helps Twitter and other search engines to grab your information quickly and accurately.
You can check the Twitter card on my website in the above Image. You can also use this tag to validate your Twitter account and get the benefits from it.
It is amazing how many businesses and individuals forget to link their Twitter profiles to their websites. When you directly link your Twitter account, to your main website and other additional sites, it could help you make sure it gets indexed and offers more opportunities for ranking.
Linking to the account also offers your website visitors an opportunity to connect with your tweets. But, do not forget to add your name to the link’s text, to strengthen the keyword relevance.
To sum up, these Twitter tricks must help you out in leveraging Twitter as a primary asset in the reputation repair campaign. So, do not miss out on the benefits Twitter has to offer you and your business, in this respect.
Robin I love how you make this point; simply tweeting will help boost your rep, and your Twitter foot print. I have tweeted close to half a million times. Between my fingers and tools 😉 Awesome way to make friends, to build bonds and to stay in the Twitter game. Smart tips!
Hi Ryan,
I am glad that you liked my post.
Thanks for the kind words.
Hi, nice article , keep it up
Hey Robin, useful tips for becoming viral in twitter. In open eyes, it seems really hard to covert a follower to blog visitor. But who have real followers, they do very well by twitter. Thanks for helpful tips.
You are Welcome Sadhan.
Great Article !!! 🙂 This sounds good for my account. Thanks for sharing!