10 Tips to Write Faster, Better Content

Writing is an essential part of any business, whether you’re a marketing manager or the owner. Article writing can be one of...

10 Tips to Write Faster, Better Content - Tricky Enough

Image Credits: pexels

Writing is an essential part of any business, whether you’re a marketing manager or the owner. Article writing can be one of the most tedious tasks for anyone to do. But with these 7 tips, it’s easy to write high-quality content in no time!

1. Set a timer for 1 hour

If you don’t have anything else to do, writing will take up all of your time very quickly. Try setting a timer on your phone for about an hour and see how much content you can produce during that time. If you’re consistently hitting word counts in the hundreds, look into using our Article Builder tool to convert your content into powerful articles that will rank in Google and drive traffic to your website.

2. Write about what you know and love

Sure, it’s best to write about something you know a lot about, but there is no better way to get excited about writing than by writing things you love! If you’re passionate about your topic of choice, the quality of your article will go through the roof. Want more tips on how to write great blog posts? Check out our guide on blogging here.

3. Don’t force topics where they don’t belong

You probably have some ideas for future articles bouncing around inside your head already. But if the topic seems forced or unnatural at all, don’t do it. There will always be other topics. Not every idea can come to fruition, and that’s okay!

4. Stop procrastinating and just start writing

One of the most common problems we see with our clients is that they get stuck on a topic and nothing ever gets written down. If you’re having any issues at all with starting your article, use this free tool to get past writer’s block. Once you get started, it becomes much easier to get excited about what you’re writing and get more done in less time.

5. Be human!

We know it sounds weird, but when people read content online they are looking for something different than when they read in books. People want to feel like they’re reading about a friend or a real person, not someone who is pretending to be someone else. Be yourself and your blog posts will attract followers for years to come!

6. Don’t obsess over grammar and punctuation

This tip may become controversial, but the best writers in the world only use about 30 percent of their time editing. If you have an hour to write a blog post, spend about 20 minutes writing it and the other 40 editings it. Not everyone has spellcheck on their phones or computers so try using this free tool.

7. Share with others before publishing!

If you’ve never heard of a spellchecker, now would be a good time to download it. There is nothing worse than publishing a post and seeing that you spelled someone’s name wrong or used the wrong word! The last thing you want to do when building your website or blog is create content that makes you look bad.

8.  Use Grammarly

The above tips are great for writing content that will be seen by the public, but what happens when you’re writing something more confidential? Never fear! We have just the tool for you. Grammarly is a free browser extension that corrects common grammar mistakes, checks for plagiarism and helps with even more things like sentence structure and style. It’s constantly being updated with new ways to make sure your content is expert-level before it’s published. That way, anything you write has a chance of becoming viral gold. If you need more examples on how to write better blog posts? Check out our guide on blogging here.

Make sure that all of your social media profiles are connected to each other so everyone can see your hard work!

Join the thousands of people who have already signed up for a free trial and start writing better blog posts today. Ready to take it a step further? Try out our Article Builder tool that turns any blog post into a powerful article that will rank on Google. That’s all there is to it! Get started now and write better content with less time, at no cost to you whatsoever. See you soon 🙂

9. Use Article Builder

The above tips are great for writing content that will be seen by the public, but what happens when you’re writing something more confidential? Never fear! We have just the tool for you. Article Builder is a free browser extension that turns any blog post into an article that will rank on Google. That’s all there is to it! Get started now and write better content with less time, at no cost to you whatsoever. See you soon 🙂

10. Share with others before publishing!

If you’ve never heard of a spellchecker, now would be a good time to download it. There is nothing worse than publishing a post and seeing that you spelled someone’s name wrong or used the wrong word! The last thing you want to do when building your website or blog is create content that makes you look bad.

Did this article help you out? If so, we would love for you to share it with your friends! And don’t forget, sharing is caring 😉


Blogging and Internet Marketing: What You Need To Know Before Hitting an Invisible Ceiling?

Work with us and become a writer.

Self-Editing Vs Professional Editing: Can’t I Just Use Grammarly?

Helen Demon

Helen is a blogger and social media addict. She loves playing football.


6 Replies to “10 Tips to Write Faster, Better Content”

  1. The article mentions the importance of writing. How can wrting get better at collecting resources.

  2. hey,
    Helen Demon I want to grow my writing skills 3 tips are very used full for improving my skills. but I want to grow spell mistakes.

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