7 Steps to Better Use of Social Media for Local Businesses

Are you a local business owner looking to tap into the massive potential of social media marketing but need help knowing where...

7 Steps to Better Use of Social Media for Local Businesses

Image Credits: pexels

Are you a local business owner looking to tap into the massive potential of social media marketing but need help knowing where to start? Have no fear! In this post, we’ll take you through 7 easy steps to help ensure your local business makes the best use of its social channels. 

With these tried and tested tips, your local business can get more attention from customers in your region and capture new audiences beyond it.

Take advantage of hashtags 

Hashtags can be used as a tool to boost visibility and reach broader audiences by creating an ‘umbrella’ for related content on social media platforms

To effectively leverage hashtags for local businesses: 

  • Use a specific hashtag

Using generic terms like #food or #coffee will likely get lost in the shuffle instead of tagging something specific to your business location, such as #ChicagoCoffeeLovers. 

  • Incorporate relevant industry tags

Include any appropriate industry-related tags so that people searching within your field can quickly locate you and gain further exposure.

  • Include up to 30 hashtags 

When used correctly, hashtags have the potential to increase brand awareness, expand the reach of marketing campaigns, create greater engagement with followers, raise customer loyalty levels, and ultimately drive sales growth – all at a minimal cost. So use the maximum number allowed, up to 30 hashtags by post.

Use well-made visuals 

The use of visuals is key in marketing on social media. People respond better when something visually appealing accompanies a post, so ensure you’re posting high-quality images or videos that capture people’s attention.

This could be anything from product photos or videos of your team at work to professional lifestyle shots or videos showcasing how great your business is! 

Make content your audience like 

The first step to creating content your audience like is gathering data for your content creation strategy. It’s important to research local trends related to your business and use this data when creating visual content to resonate with potential customers. Additionally, think about the audience you are targeting:

What do they care about?

What are their problems?

What are their biggest wishes, hobbies, and interests?

What does their day look like?

Also, famous journalist 5W questions are great for creating an avatar of your buyer persona and knowing which design will drive leads. 

Posting this kind of content helps build trust between customers and businesses while providing organic promotion through word-of-mouth advertising!  

Once you have identified appropriate topics for your target market, it’s time to create valuable content and establish yourself as a reliable source of information through activities like blog writing or video creation. To ensure audiences are finding these assets, implementing SEO best practices when publishing helps ensure visibility across natural search results pages. That requires that keywords relevant to each topic are included within titles and meta descriptions and are associated with each piece of targeted content. 

Additionally, sharing quality pieces on social media platforms will help generate additional views from specific audiences (including people who may not be actively searching online). 

Tell the audience where they can find your product or service 

When posting about products or services, including information about where they can be located, specifically, where they can be found near them. Include location tags in posts and links back to your website with an address if applicable. This will help local customers track down what they’re looking for easily and quickly. 

One way to increase the visibility of social media for local businesses is by creating an online presence through a Google My Business (GMB) profile. 

A GMB profile will give potential customers details about your products/services, like where they are based, their operating hours, and contact details. It will also link your business to its related map listings so people can easily find you when browsing on Google Maps or searching for businesses in their area. Additionally, users can leave reviews on the page, which gives potential customers an idea of what others think of the company/product before deciding whether or not to use it themselves. 

Finally, GMB profiles allow more detailed information about the company/products than just text. For example, you can add photos of products or services and videos explaining why people should choose you over competitors in the same market. This boosts organic rankings and increases traffic from searches made near your physical location. 

By ensuring that all this information is up-to-date and accurate, you’ll ensure that any customer searching for related products or services in their local area gets directed straight to yours!

Leverage on social media automation

Social media automation tools can save time and energy by automating repetitive tasks such as scheduling posts ahead of time or responding quickly when someone messages you directly on one of your accounts. In addition, automating specific processes ensures that you take advantage of all potential customer engagement opportunities and stay true to the algorithm!

By taking advantage of automated solutions such as Hootsuite or Buzzsumo, local businesses can expand their reach by publishing content across multiple social media channels at once. 

Automation also allows you to respond quickly to customer comments based on specific rules pre-programmed into the system. Again, customer service needs to respond immediately rather than wait until later when other tasks have been completed. 

It can be tricky, but the help of a social media marketing agency specializing in automation allows your local business to build great responsive rates and please algorithm demands, even if you are working on more modest budgets! 

From strategizing campaigns to executing them within certain budget bounds, these experienced professionals ensure your business makes giant leaps forward while keeping costs low along the way toward growing sales and profitability!

Share your story, but also your flaws   

The power of storytelling lies in its ability to share our stories, both the successes and the flaws. Sharing authentic experiences with customers allows you to create an original narrative that speaks directly to their needs and aspirations. 

By embracing our flaws and honestly revealing them creatively, businesses have a unique opportunity for growth and development. In addition, brand vulnerabilities create a pathway for others to relate with us on a deeper level, allowing engagement beyond simply buying or selling goods or services. 

As this connection builds over time, local businesses gain recognition as trusted resources for their client’s needs, leading to tremendous success within the local community. And that is the most significant advantage of local businesses against big moguls. 

Local business provides attention to the customer, and every feedback is valuable. And big mogul COOs are scared of local businesses more and more these days. So as a local business owner, you should use the opportunity to grow trust through personal stories of failure being shared openly within the business setting. This also helps foster a caring reputation among leads.

Finally, your willingness to share both triumphs and tribulations encourages others in similar situations by demonstrating what is possible if nurturing, courageously honest communication is embraced by any business looking to do something genuinely remarkable within its locale.

Mix up different types of posts

You can maximize your reach and engagement with potential customers by utilizing each type of post’s many features and capabilities. 

  • Feature Your Products

This allows potential customers to see what’s available for sale near them! And that is the time when good photography comes into place. 

Many social media marketing agencies have their photography studio. They can give your product or brand a professional look and feel that will make customers want to check you out. You can now save yourself the time, money, and resources needed to buy or rent photo equipment and let professionals take care of the task. 

  • Share tips About Industry 

This will help inform potential customers about your services or products and show them how knowledgeable and experienced your business is. In addition, you can include helpful advice on topics like product applications and care instructions, safety measures for using specific equipment, etc., so long as it is relevant to what your local business offers. 

This type of content helps people feel more confident when doing business with you because they know they will get reliable information from an expert source. 

  • Follow Trends 

For instance, if something noteworthy is happening regarding a particular event or issue related to your work industry, posting about it may spark some interest and bring attention to your brand. Additionally, addressing issues can open discussions that help build relationships between yourself and potential customers interested in the topic discussed on social media, leading them one step closer to becoming loyal buyers!

Overall, mixing up different types of social media marketing posts allows businesses operating locally to reach their target audience more effectively. As long as content speaks directly to interests across multiple demographics living near its physical location(s), it has a solid chance at reaching even more individuals throughout its region, which translates directly into increased sales over time!   


Social media marketing for local businesses is one of the most effective ways to reach their target audiences and grow. With a solid social presence, a local business can create valuable connections with potential customers, build brand visibility, and generate leads.

A professional social media marketing agency can help your local business unlock opportunities. They will develop an active profile on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google my business. In addition, they will track performance metrics such as likes, comments, and shares. Social media marketing agencies are great solutions when you already have products and services known to the local community.

By partnering with them, they can amplify your messages while further accelerating growth within their respective networks, and easily overcome these seven steps and reach the success of your local business.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


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