Skyscraper Technique To Get More Traffic

Skyscraper technique is not a game of hours or a day; this method could take weeks to get the right results. However,...

skyscraper technique

Image Credits: pixabay

Skyscraper technique is not a game of hours or a day; this method could take weeks to get the right results. However, this technique can get you some amazing results, can improve your blog, could help you to run a blog for long-term, and drive a lot more readers to your website. The skyscraper technique could do miracles for you If done perfectly. You can say that it is an email outreach programs for getting links.

What exactly the skyscraper technique is:

Another name that can be given to this Technique is Content Marketing for Link Builders. It has some basic steps which you can follow to get more traffic:

  1. Look for some content online which is link worthy.
  2. After looking for the content, create the same kind of content with better quality and understandability.
  3. Ask other bloggers or site owners to share your content on their sites.


Some of the top mistakes of Internet marketing.

Content marketing tips to boost the Business.

Look for the Right Content

If you have already selected some content from some site then go with that only, if you have not done that, then there are some tools and tricks available over the internet which can help you.

  • Buzzsumo

    Is a fantastic tool which could help to get content. If you will for the content like SEO, it will bring up the post that is more shared and are with higher links. In the image, you can see that. BuzzSumo is almost free. skyscraper

  • Ahrefs Content Explorer

    Is another tool that can be used for finding the content. It could do the same as Buzzsumo, but with some differences, the tool is not free and but can easily be used for 14 days of trial.

  • Other Search Engines

    if you are looking for complete free searches for the content, then the search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo can help a lot.


Also, works well and will help you to get the search authority, overall score, and Buzz. It provides the best diverse range of marketing from thousands of blogs using social metrics and different searches. the skyscraper technique

Make Content Better

The second step to follow is to create better content than your competitor. Making better content doesn’t mean to copy the content from the competitor and make some additions, add images and you are ready to post.

Making better content means to write the same content in your own words and in a better understandable way. So that the competitor himself should say that you have written better content and have done some extra work than him. Here are some tips for making your content far better.

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  • Add some infographics or Images with high quality.
  • Write more content than your competitor.
  • Do more and proper search on the same subject.
  • Make the content easier to understand.
  • Give more importance to content with SEO.

Another thing is Better optimization of the keyword or keywords according to the post.

Getting your Content Linked:

The most difficult thing in the skyscraper technique is getting your link to the others sites. It will be great if the blogs admin is your friend or colleague because he will paste your link on his site without any hesitation. But if you are doing the same with other bloggers or content writers then it will be a little harder but not impossible.

The name that can be given to the third step is Email Outreach. As email, outreach is the most important part of the skyscraper technique. It is like begging links from bloggers or websites owners, but it works. You can also call it a kind of email marketing for links.

So you can send the email to the admin of the blog to paste your link on his or her Website or Blog. Some important things work well for getting links.

  • Write an email with Polite and respectable words.
  • Obviously, Don’t Use Harsh Words.
  • And mainly don’t beg for the Link.

Here’s an email example that you can use like:

Hi Admin (name of blogger if possible)

I have created a post on (keyword), I know your post is good, but if you have time, then please check my post also which I have written on the same (Keyword). If you think my post is good enough, then please share or paste a link to this post on your site.

I will be thankful to you.

And I must tell you that originally this technique was used by Brian Dean, and others followed this technique through him.

Hope the technique can help you to get more reader and followers. Tell us in the comment that what you think about this technique.


Why do people fail to make links with Skyscraper link building technique?

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


21 Replies to “Skyscraper Technique To Get More Traffic”

  1. Hi Robin, nice list there. I have been using Buzzsumo for a while and I have been loving the experience so far. I can also attest that we have been able to increase our traffic from the time we started using it. Inbound is one that I haven’t used but will surely give it a go. Thanks for the share.


  2. Hi Robin!

    Definitely an informative article! Yes, Sky scrapper technique works greatly if you implement correctly. I read about this on quicksprout blog too! After all here we need to find the best performing content and making it even better to get attracted by others to linked in and BOOM!!!

    Anyway, you explained very well in this post!

    Keep it up!

  3. Hi Robin,

    Great post of Skyscraper technique to get more traffic. Great info for all the bloggers out there.
    Keep sharing good quality post
    Thank you. 🙂

  4. Hi again Robin,
    Guess what!? I did get the notification you subscribed! Please accept my apologies. I did not mean to make you feel doubted. I hope to learn more about SEO by reading your articles.
    I will add your blog to the link exchange under “blogging,”. I don’t think I have an SEO category.
    Again, please accept my apologies, and thank you for the follow.

  5. Sorry to keep bothering you; I’m just fascinated by your article.
    I just noticed on my referral traffic, someone clicked my link over at You said Inbound was an excellent site for link building. If my link is not embedded in an article, but people on a high authority site like click my link, do I know have a link from a high authority site just from a comment?
    Thank you for answering all my questions. I am fascinated by the technique.

    1. I am really sorry Janice but I think you have not read my full post because I have not written in my post that is an excellent site for link building. But tell me you that is a community site for bloggers where they can follow each other, can comment and share their links. And truly has helped to get some good traffic.
      And if you have any more questions feel free to contact me, I will be happy to answer.

  6. Hi Robin,
    I have a question about the skyscraper technique/link building.
    If I comment on an authority site, let’s say, and someone clicks my link they saw when I left the comment, is that considered a link from a high authority site?
    I was also wondering if you saw my comment on Holly’s site. You and I both read her articles. By the way, I subscribed to your blog.

    1. I am glad that you are asking questions..
      everyone wants to get links from high authority sites but while commenting it’s not always true that we will get dofollow links(followed by search engines), even the commentluv do not provide dofollow links sometimes. But commenting has always helped me to get more traffic and mainly some good relations with other bloggers. And sometimes dofollow links too. Hope you like my answer and I have also subscribed to your posts.

      1. Hi Robin,
        1. I am excited that you subscribed to my posts. However, I did not get a notification. Did you activate your subscription link in your Email? Could you please check?
        Once I get notification, I will add your blog to my Link Exchange under blogging. Would you like to see the Link Exchange group I have on my site? I brought you the link:
        I am disappointed. I forgot about “Don’t Follow and “Do Follow.”

  7. I am so glad you visited my site today. I am in love with your skyscraper technique. I didn’t realize I understood it until I read your article. I am interested in subscribing to get more great stuff.
    If you ever want to guest blog on my site, you’d be welcome.
    Now that I see your quality content, I am so flattered that you liked my blog.
    On topic, I have a Link Exchange just to build links on my site without the warning, the links must be relevant and to check the site URL at before choosing.

  8. I’m just waiting for the day I get an email that says EXACTLY this:

    ““Hi Admin (name of blogger if possible)

    I have created a post on (keyword), I know your post is good but if you have time then please check my post also which I have written on the same (Keyword). If you think my post is good enough then please share or paste a link of this post on your site.

    I will be thankful to you.”

    It’s going to happen. You know it is. 😀 You ever get one of those comment-spinner dumps in your spam bucket? The ones that look like Mad Libs?

    “Hi, {admin|writer|you},

    This post was {perfect|almost good|wonderful to read|kind of stupid} and I {hope to see more|think you should give up writing|will put tips to good use|like your writing}.” only the real ones go on for two whole screens and you can’t help but think someone didn’t read the manual before trying out their shiny new black hat SEO toy? 🙂

    I quit accepting guest posts years ago – at least from people I don’t know fairly well – after discovering one that was from a robot. Seriously – no idea who or what wrote the thing, and it wasn’t half bad, didn’t contain any glaring copyright violations, but the name matched up to known scam artists and the profile photo was stolen from a model’s headshot on an agency website and wasn’t of the author. 🙂 Guest blogging isn’t dead, but it’s a lot harder to establish trust these days.

    Getting your content linked can be hard, too. For a while, every site was littered with in-context text links, and most people I know stopped clicking on links altogether. 🙁 This made me sad. I wrote about it here: ) Now everyone worries about dofollow, nofollow, follow, but why? I’m not sure I care. If a real person sees my link, it doesn’t matter whether it’s follow or not. And if a robot misses indexing it, well… I get fewer robots visiting my site, right? 🙂 I’m not going to obsess over that. I still think commenting is a good way to exchange links, provided it’s not on sites that automatically spam meaningful links (like the one I included here – because CommentLuv only goes back so far!)

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