How To Rank On Google First Page Without Backlinks?

There must be many questions in your mind after reading the title of this post. Is it possible to get Traffic without...

rank on Google First page without backlinks

There must be many questions in your mind after reading the title of this post.

Is it possible to get Traffic without building links to your site?

Can we rank on Google’s first page without backlinks?

And the best answer to this is that it depends on many things which I will share with you today and will explain how you can rank on Google’s first page without backlinks. You must know that Google ranks those sites that have some quality links pointing to them. But there are some awesome ways by which you can rank on Google’s first page without building any links and because there are many other things that Google counts to rank the websites in the SERPs. Link building is only one of the ranking factors in Google.

I would say that this post is for those who are just content writers who are not good at building links to their sites or mostly don’t get time for the same.

Link Building is one of the most important factors for ranking in Google’s SERPs. But some other factors besides backlinking can help you to get better traffic and better results at the Google SERPs. I will explain every factor that has helped me to get more traffic to my blog. You need not be an expert to do this thing, just simply do it.

1. Look for the keywords with high search Volume and Low competition:

Finding keywords is a process called Brainstorming. There are many sites where you can look for desired keywords like Google Keyword Planner and Keyword Discovery Etc. I use Google keyword planner to get the best keywords for my blog. The best thing you can do while looking for the keywords is to look for those keywords that have very low competition and high search volume.

I would prefer you to choose a keyword that is often searched by people but has very less or no articles or posts or any other information available on the internet about it. Because when you will do this with proper on-page optimization then Google’s algorithm will surely rank it. I use these kinds of keywords because these types of keywords require very less or no link-building at all.

You can also take some extra help in Brainstorming using software like SEO power suite or Buzzsumo. This software’s a big help. Mainly Buzzsumo will help you to find out the articles, the number of shares, and links pointing to a competitor site using the same keyword. Once you have got an overview of the keywords, then you are ready to make it to Google’s first page.

2. Use Keyword Density with latent semantic indexing (LSI)

You must have heard that content is king. Unique and good content no doubt ranks well, but besides that, one needs to do On-Page optimization perfectly if one wants to rank on Google without backlinks. Then your article or post must have an ideal keyword density. The density of the keywords must be appropriate; it must not be less or more than enough. If you use a keyword many times, more than actually it is needed then Google will surely put your article or post on the list of spammers.

But to overcome this problem you can use the LSI (latent semantic indexing). In this technique, we use synonyms of keywords to avoid spamming. I would rather say that Google also ranks those sites that use LSI for their articles. I have already written a post for “What is LSI? And How you can use it perfectly?”.

3. Use a unique and good Title

A title in any post or article plays an important factor in better ranking. So, make your own title for your post instead of copying from any other blogs or articles. Because copying an article will never get you to the top of the Google SERPs. Also, make sure to place the keyword in the title.

Some websites can help you to get an attractive and unique title for your post or article.

I always used SEO Pressor to get a Blog title for the keyword before writing a post. But you can use all three for getting an awesome blog Title for your post.

4. Try to use Long-Tail Keywords always


The use of long-tail keywords will surely get you more exposure. When you search on Google a word, the rest of the sentence appears automatically thus giving us suggestions for our search query. When we search for any query, Google first searches for the exact keywords available on the websites, then the result appears up. And if it doesn’t find the exact keyword in the data then it looks for the Title of the page. That means if you are using a long tail keyword then there are more chances to rank high without backlinks or with very few backlinks.

Also, check out this video where Matt Cutts explains why we should go for long-tail keywords and how they have made these changes permanently for the use of long-tail keywords.


How can you find long-tail keywords?

Why should you be using Long tail keywords?

5. Try to be the first to write a Topic about the keyword

Each day new information and new updates appear on the internet. People are searching for something new that no blog post or webmaster has written for the same, and that can be your chance to rank on Google’s first page without backlinks. So, even this process involves Brainstorming for getting those keywords that have no competition and high search volume. This is one of the best techniques for getting on the first page of Google without backlinks. You can just write a topic about something which no blogger has written or shared. Be first to write and be on the top.


How to write a post that goes viral without links?

Another thing, don’t write a small or un-optimized article for the same because it will not stay on the SERPs for a long time or the chances are the article may not appear up in the search results. Instead, write an awesome article with perfect On-Page optimization, so that your post may last longer on the Google SERPs. Write a long detailed article that is informative to the readers and the search engines.

Explore the power of Google with Google trends. You can write on the topics which are trending on the internet. You can also search to set trends for particular keywords. It is one of the secret weapons of many bloggers on the internet. They look for trending posts online and make their own unique and similar post with the same keywords and are winning the internet.

7. Use Google Alerts for New Information.

I use Google Alerts to get the latest news and information in my field. You can get alerts for any niche for which you are writing. You can create an alert from the suggestion list or type a keyword for the same. After creating an alert, you will start getting emails from the Google alert with the latest trending post and information.

8. Website Security

Your website is your brand; this is the first step to connecting with your customers. If that is not safe and secure, then your customers won’t visit your site. Threats can come in many forms they may steal customers’ information, like names, credit card details, and other transaction information, or can crash your website.

Before you became a victim of any cyber attack, install an SSL Certificate on your website. SSL will secure all your data transmitted over the internet between your computer and server. If your website has multiple sub-domains then to reduce the cost of a single certificate you can go with the Wildcard SSL Certificate as it will secure all your unlimited sub-domain.

To get more visitors to your site security plays an important role and as per the Google update “Google will give a Ranking Boost To Secure HTTPS/SSL Site.

Finally, what I want to Say

Let me tell you that I am using these tools and techniques for years, and these tools have helped me to achieve more organic traffic to my blog and my websites. Moreover, I not only use these tools for blogging but I also use them for other sites.

I would love to know your opinion about ranking a site without backlinks. So, feel free to tell us through your valuable comments.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


146 Replies to “How To Rank On Google First Page Without Backlinks?”

  1. Hi, Robin,
    Thank you for sharing this informative post. It was a great informative post. You have done a terrific job on this post! I love to keep an eye on Google trends. And this is real “if the content is good and you do the right, things, you do not have to go for backlink hunt.”
    Thank you again..

  2. I have 500 back links and more than 30 different domains but I am not getting traffic on my site can you show me reason ?

  3. i want to discuss, how about if i using keyword on title “playing football like a pro” and i place the keyword at content “playing football”?
    it’s okay and doesn’t matter for SEO ?

    1. Hi Robert,
      if the Keyword “playing football like a pro” has good traffic and low competition then you should go with it. But if the keyword “playing football” has traffic and long tail keyword does not have any searches then you can use the keyword “playing football” and the other phrase in the Title of the post.
      This will help you to rank with both the keywords.

  4. Hello Robin,

    Excellent post indeed, every blogger wants to rank their blogs on the 1st page of Google.Due to this, they use numerous methods which help them to get that position. But in this article, you have shared another great way which is also fruitful in this regard. The good thing about this method is we don’t need any link building.

    Many thanks for wonderful share 🙂

    Warm Regard’s


  5. Amazing Post bro..It really Helps me for building new sites
    Thanks for the post

  6. the most valuable post I’ve read in a long time! your blogs are really amazing and helpful too.
    thank you so much, sir for sharing your informative knowledge with us.

  7. Hi Robin,

    You nailed it. Keywords play a vital role in SEO if you have used your keywords wisely in your content and done on-page SEO properly than there are many chances to get top ranking in Google without building backlinks. This strategy worked for me very well for client’s projects in which the competition was low or medium.

    Enjoyed reading!

  8. very good article you have explain very well , everybody wants to rank on google first page but its depend upon quality content , on page and off page seo .

  9. Hey Robin,
    That was a well crafted piece, Keyword research is something which is not a piece of cake.

    As mentioned LSI keywords could be the ingredient, its very important finding a decent keywords with high volume and less competition. And that’s is rare, And felt the best way to do it, is manually.
    Overall a good read.. Glad being here.

  10. Great blog, Thanks Robin for sharing this post. This is really very useful information for all business owners to get rank on google first page.

  11. Hi Robin,ranking on the first page of Google without backlinks is achievable but might required a lot of work in writing content, at least 2500 words.
    Linking the article to high authority websites may help search engine to rank such keyword,and internal links also play a vital role.Thanks

  12. Hey Bro,

    This is the very informative article. My self and may be many more people think that without buiding backlinks we can not rank but this content really helpful for us.

    Properly doing On-Page optimization, will definitely go higher. Thanks for sharing this awesome article.
    Have a good day. 🙂
    ~Swapnil Kharche

  13. Hi Robin, Though you have mentioned some very useful points to rank on google but besides these points I would also like to add here.
    1. outgoignt -Link to authority site also matters
    2. Video on that particular topic
    3. anchor text
    4. internal links to that particular article
    5. keyword rich domain name
    6. length of your article

  14. Hello bro,
    nice gift to rank well without backlinks. I do appreciated your effort to teach this interesting topic in blogging.

    Have a nice day

  15. Hi Robin,

    Great article as always. If you are good at onsite SEO, then you don’t need to worry about getting backlinks.

  16. Yes. This is 100% right. I have a blog. I published an article by following your guideline. I see that my article was rank without any backlink 🙂 . Thanks #Robin For share nice informativ article

  17. You have nicely done everything here. It is really an excellent article. Every blogger especially the newbies will be benefited from your article. I didn’t know that it is possible to rank on google without backlinks. But now I feel that there is still have a chance to rank high without backlinks building.
    I like your writing style. Carry on and thanks for your inspirational article.

  18. Thank you Robin for such informative post. Today I was just searching about how can I rank my home page on Google without creating backlinks and so I got this great content here. Among all strategies you have mentioned I liked your point “Try to use Long-Tail Keywords always”. Actually, this was something I haven’t tried yet. Thanks again 🙂 I’m surely going to follow all these points.

  19. Hello Robin,

    First of thanks for the informative post. I totally agree with the points you have mentioned, to be the first to write on a topic we have to stay updated every time in our niche we are writing about, I still remember when Freecharge first came in the market, it was very new and very few people knew about it, I posted it on my blog (although at that time I didn’t knew SEO very much) and that post got ranked on the first page.

    Best Regards,

  20. Great article Robin. First time knowing about this, ranking in Google without backlinks. This could prove helpful and effective. Would try this one out and see how I fair well in this kind of approach. Thanks!

  21. hi robin …. very useful post … can u tell me how to increase traffic of my website

  22. Thanks Robin for sharing with us. This is really an amazing post in well defined manner.

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