A blog content Pay Per Click Traffic System That Works 100%

In recent years, Pay-per-click advertising (Facebook Ads) is leveraging the business world. These Ads help to catch up with more new audiences...

pay per click

Image Credits: pixabay

In recent years, Pay-per-click advertising (Facebook Ads) is leveraging the business world. These Ads help to catch up with more new audiences and also existing potential customers.

However, people say that it’s frustrating to spend more money on Pay per click and what if it actually didn’t meet the purpose.

The truth is you get more than what you invested through PPC, and it has doubled up the revenue of businesses.

Moreover, we tend to ignore the posts that say “sponsored ads” while surfing through the internet.

The two major reasons why we abandon PPC advertising in our marketing strategies are:

  • Costs per click are expensive.
  • We need long term returns from our investments.

Blog Content & PPC Ad Campaigns

These two are like a blessing to digital marketers and businesses to boost their conversion rates.

The benefits of content marketing with informational and high-quality blog articles are remarkable. These strategies will boost up your growth in organic traffic on the landing page.

This will also promote more new customers, and you can also use these platforms to educate your customers on your products or services.

Blog content with an effective pay-per-click strategy can boost your traction for the long term.

In simple words, Add PPC in your blog content to leverage your business and widen customers.

Why This Works?

First of all, let me clarify why PPC in your blog content works before diving into more details. The strategy of integrating blog content with PPC works more effectively than just running PPC ads.

Yes, I agree the cost of pay-per-click is getting higher in recent times. More business audiences avoid clicking all these promoted or sponsored ads in their newsfeeds and search engine results page. This happens more with unknown or new brands that tend to opt for sponsored ads in the PPC campaign.

The ideal way to reach an audience is with a quality blog article. Also, recent studies predict that customers are more likely to click on the text ads without any “sponsored” tagline in ad extensions.

Now you know how to drive ideal customers to click into your ads with helpful and informative users search articles.

These free articles are a lifesaver for businesses to reach many new customers and boost their conversions high. Maintain your content quality score and exclude negative keywords.

This is why this works.

The rate of risk factors is low in blog articles when you fail to meet your audience’s expectations.

This strategy helps you build more trust in your customers and get their personal information (email address) to create campaigns and target customers at a low cost per click.

Now let’s discuss this in detail.

1. Publish Blog Content

To run Facebook Ad campaigns (Google Adwords or other PPC ads), you need blog content for promoting your ads.

Ensure to deliver high-quality content that evokes customers to read completely. Some important things to follow,

  • The topic must be related to providing solutions for customers in your business.
  • You can give key ideas related to your business or services.
  • Ensure to deliver professional writing quality, well optimized for web consumption, and creates curiosity for readers from start to finish. Deliver worthy and informative content.

Step 1 Action items:

  • Hire a team to produce high-quality blog articles for your business online advertising.
  • Select the best articles of yours to run ads.
  • You can also promote new blog articles and check whether it’s performing better than past articles advertising models.

2. Create Your Facebook Pay-Per-Click Ad

Facebook Ads (Pay Per Click PPC) is popular among more businesses because more users always look for interesting things in newsfeeds.

So, businesses promote their articles on Facebook with catchy headlines that interest users to read the blog articles.

The basic tactics of these Pay Per Click ads are to target search queries of new customers in the first phase, I mean the customers who have never heard of your brand before in ad groups.

The ultimate goal of this content marketing strategy is to gain more new customers and create brand awareness for your business search marketing.

Step 2 Action Items:

  • Your Facebook Ad objective should create “Traffic”
  • Spend more time writing short and informative content for the ad.
  • You can include Ads images and headlines with your blog articles.
  • Create your target audience list and promote it.
  • Create additional ads for other articles that help to reach more audiences.
  • Set your daily budget and keep following your updates.

3. Effective Emails

Now you have created high-quality blog content and running paid traffic to your blog articles.

The step is not complete here; the key is to drive your audible back to your website. To do this, you need to create a personal touch by sending emails.

Consider collecting personal information (email address) from your audience to send promotional emails and drive them back to your business.

Your email list is the most important factor here, as you are spending more on running ads and writing blog articles. Don’t waste all this effort by letting your readers not return.

All your efforts and marketing strategies are successful when only your potential customers and target audience return to your site again.

Step 3 Action Items:

  • Your articles must contain high-value Content Upgrades
  • Develop a global lead magnet and launch it.

4. Retarget Ads to Customers

The PPC ads and traffic from organic traffic like search, social, and referrals will play a vital role in driving new customers to your website.

If you are publishing new blog articles and following the marketing strategies correctly, we discussed earlier in this article.

Then no one can stop you from driving more traffic and new customers to your business.

These final two steps are equally important to re-engage and regain your past customers. Your ultimate goal must be to retain your customers, visitors, subscribers, and leads.

Step 4 Action Items:

  • Install your Facebook Pixel on your site.
  • Create your Facebook Custom Audiences.
  • Exclude your potential customers, leads, and subscribers from this custom audiences list.
  • Create your retargeting ads.
  • Trial and error is the key, so experiment.

5. Do Email Follow Up Consistently

This last step is crucial to sustaining your business in critical times. You must have spent more time in creating high-quality content, well crafted & unique PPC ads system.

These are the baseline of every business to drive new traffic and engage new customers. But the reality doesn’t end up here; popular brands and most hyped products are seeing only 10% of sales with new customers.

Many customers who make purchases on your site will return to the site only after several months.

The importance of driving new customers can be felt here, and if you don’t follow up on your marketing strategies consistently, you will miss out on 90% of the conversions rate.

All your time and effort get shattered if you don’t engage and drive new customers consistently to your website.

Step 5 Action Items

  • Incorporate email newsletters into your blog content calendar consistently.
  • Setup email automation to reach your subscriber’s lifetime.
  • Insert descriptions of your products in your email and content.

Wrapping up

Sometimes it’s challenging to run your blog calendars with pay-per-click campaigns.

The key is consistency with your follow-up and ensures to deliver relevant information to your subscribers. Just keep them alive with your blog articles.

I hope this article helps you to build your business. In marketing strategies, the bookmark is to keep up to date with improvements.


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Sajitha Z

Sajitha is a skilled Content Writer at ZuanEducation. She holds her Masters's in English and has a keen interest in discovering more clients through her content


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