In this time of AI boom, WordPress contributors are discussing the integration of AI, whether as a plugin or the core.
These discussions are only the starting point, as WordPress doesn’t have any plan to integrate AI.
Core or Plugin Integration
During the discussion, one of the best things revealed that external plugins could integrate AI because hard coding is required at the core.
Matt Cromwell shared that the plans for WordPress are already in the pipeline. However, he also stated that AI integrations could distract those existing plans. Moreover, he also agreed that AI is the need of the hour.
Read the official discussion
Diagnostics AI Co-pilot
During the discussion, WordPress Ollie Jones also shared a brilliant idea. She mentioned AI could be integrated into keeping WordPress websites operational. For example, they suggested an integration of a diagnostic co-pilot as an AI to identify a problem and give guidelines to resolve them.
This is an extraordinary idea. This can be a bliss for WordPress developers to identify if two plugins are crashing the sites or some other issue of the down site.
WordPress already has AI Integration
Jame LePage, the founder of CodeWP, came with an eye-opening statement. A WordPress plugin is available named AI Code Generator. CodeWP says the plugin can generate WordPress at different levels, including PHP, JavaScript, and WooCommerce.
Along with that, it reduces the need for expensive developers. It is also an amazing product for developers to enhance their productivity and creativity. James’s interesting points act as an eye-opener for all WordPress contributors.
Here are the top 3 Plugins with AI integrations:
All of them have different features and capabilities, but one thing among them is the same, which is AI integration.
WordPress Keeping Up With AI
It’s interesting to read the WordPress discussion and different points of view on AI integration. At the same time, it’s just a starting point of the conversation WordPress performance team is also having discussions to take things to the next level.
What would you like to experience in WordPress AI integration?
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