Parasite SEO: For When Conventional SEO Methods Arent Affective Enough

Parasite SEO is an SEO method that works best when conventional SEO practices do not leverage websites’ authority to improve a user’s...

Parasite SEO: For When Conventional SEO Methods Arent Affective Enough

Image Credits: pexels

Parasite SEO is an SEO method that works best when conventional SEO practices do not leverage websites’ authority to improve a user’s website exposure in search engine results. This method can be applied when conventional SEO practices do not garner much website traffic. 

This SEO method is perfect for recently created websites that require a push to increase site visibility. This strategy starts by publishing content on high-domain authority platforms, which include popular blogs, prominent social media sites such as Facebook and X, and notable forums. After which, users will notice a noticeably large improvement in the search rank position of their published content. 

It should be noted that there are several risks associated with using parasite SEO. Since users post their content on a host platform, success can only be determined by the hosts themselves. Modification in the host’s SEO policies and guidelines as well as a change in the ranking may affect the user’s content. Users must also adhere strictly to the host platforms’s policies and guidelines to avoid any ramifications. 

Parasite SEO: Factors to consider while choosing this method

This SEO method should only be adopted after considering the risks associated and a couple of other factors. For instance, if users just want a fast boost in website visibility and traffic, parasite SEO is the perfect fit. 

It is also quite economical making it more accessible for people who do not have a high budget for other SEO campaigns. Another factor to consider while choosing this SEO practice is the difficulty in ranking in a higher position. 


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Yibeni Tungoe
Yibeni Tungoe

Journalism & Mass Communication student at North Eastern Hill University.


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