Amazon is late to the AI competition although the generative AI Rufus has received well notice from the users and tech geeks. Amazon has claimed that AI would improve the shopping experience of users.
The AI bot is designed to assist by answering queries, offering recommendations, and comparing different products. Currently, Rufus is only accessible to a limited number of Amazon mobile app users in the US as it is still in the beta stage. However, it will be available to a wider user base in more regions in the upcoming months.
Story Behind Amazon’s Rufus
Amazon first introduced Rufus through an announcement post. Amazon told a reporter, they have a policy where employees can bring their dogs to work and Rufus happens to be one of the first dogs that roamed in the office in the initial days.
Services provided by Amazon’s Rufus
Users can ask questions regarding a product, compare products, ask for suggestions, follow-up questions, etc. Although Rufus does not have a button or an icon to activate itself. One can initiate a conversation by just typing queries on the search bar.
What is the Best AI system to use?
The Best AI tools you can use to boost your productivity.