Multi-Niche blog vs. Single-niche Blog: Which is Better and Why?

Do you have a multi-niche blog? Or A Single Niche Blog? As new bloggers, many have questions and queries about having a...

Multi-niche blog

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Do you have a multi-niche blog?


A Single Niche Blog?

As new bloggers, many have questions and queries about having a multi-niche blog or a single-niche blog. So in this post, I will try my best to explain it.

For those who are not familiar with the term niche.


Learn the Difference Between a Website and a Blog.

How to become a perfect blogger?

Which is better a single website or multiple websites?

What is a niche?

When writing on a particular topic instead of using the word Topic we use the word Niche. Many Pro-bloggers are using the word niche instead of the word topic. When I was a beginner in the field of SEO and blogging. I wondered if the niche was a very big thing and as pro-bloggers used the word.

Although now, Let me explain to you what niche is.

Niche is when we have created a blog only on a single topic. Like I am running my blog and it is almost about SEO and internet marketing only, so the niche of a Blog is SEO and internet marketing. And if someone is running a blog about development then they have a different Niche. A niche can be about SEO, Technology, Science, and Programming, depending on the blog owner.


What is a blog?

Start your Own Blog with WordPress.

The question that you should ask yourself before starting a Blog?

Before you start a blog, you must ask yourself what kind of blog you want, a Multi-Niche or Single niche blog.

New bloggers want to go for a multi-niche blog because they want more traffic and want to earn a lot. But whenever I ask a new blogger what kind of blog they want to run then their answer is always like this one, “I have more interest in photography, fashion, technology, and much more” They almost want to cover all the topics in one blog. If you want to make money by monetizing your blog with Google AdSense, Infolinks, or some other monetizing networks. Then you should go for a single niche blog with quality content and make a better reputation with it. But if earning is your secondary option then running a multi-niche blog is the best option.

Why is a Multi-Niche Blog not good for SEO, earning money, and readers?

A Multi-niche blog is a blog in which you can write anything according to your will. There are bloggers out there who are running a multi-niche blog to earn money online and make lots of money. A Multi niche blog needs more than double the effort, but it is worth the effort.

Because of the competition on the internet, it has become a lot more difficult to make money by blogging these days. Although it is possible to earn money through Blogging.

So, there are some bad aspects of a multi-niche blog.

SEO will be difficult for a Multi-Niche blog, or you can say hard:

SEO stands for search engine optimization which is an important thing by all means. It is a lot difficult to do SEO for a multi-niche blog. Due to the recent changes in Google’s Algorithm, it has become much more important to focus on a single Topic blog instead of going to a Multi-topic Blog. Google’s Rank Brain is responsible for showing results in the SERPs and is said to be the artificial intelligence system that learns on its own.

I will give you a perfect example that will help you to understand better that a Single Niche blog is good for SEO.


If you are searching on Google about something, suppose you searched “Pet caring.” Then you will get those sites on the first page that have a similar kind of niche or content. The sites that will have content about animals will appear at the top; there may be a little chance that a multi-niche site will appear on the first page. The Organic search will be better for a Single-topic than a multi-topic blog.

The only reason Google will give more preference to a single niche blog is that those sites may contain more information about that same keyword and also share some internal links for the same kind of information.

Some other factors that may be responsible for results appearing on the first page of Google’s SERPs are Page Authority, Domain Authority, and Type of content written. These factors will be given preference but before the blog that has all the good information with these factors and searched topic.

I have always seen that a single niche blog gets ranking and results faster and better than a Multi-Niche blog. I have seen multi-niche blogs with more than 500 posts but with a domain authority of 30 to 40. But whereas a blog with a single niche having 40- 50 posts will have the same domain authority.


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However, according to my five and a half years of experience, a single niche blog performs far better than a multi-topic blog.

It’s hard to target the audience or readers with a multi-topic blog:

A blogger writes content for a particular audience. If you are not targeting the audience, then it is one of the top sins of internet marketing you are doing. If you are running a multi-topic blog then you alone can’t handle that blog, you need a team. That means you have to hire different people who can write on different topics. If you want to run a blog about pets, photography, animals, SEO, and technology, then you have to hire people. People who are perfect in those fields and know about these topics.

When people like a blog or want to get updates about something then what they do is subscribe. So, sometimes it becomes a lot more difficult to get subscribers with a multi-topic blog whereas with a single niche blog, you can get a lot of subscribers who are interested in your blog.

I run a blog that is almost a single niche. I cover the topics of SEO and internet marketing, and I more preferably subscribe to those blogs that are related to internet marketing and SEO. And rarely subscribe to the Multi niche blogs, because I don’t need the unnecessary stuff in email. So, like me, other bloggers or readers will subscribe to those kinds of blogs in which topic they are interested.


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How to become a respected expert in your niche?

Earning Money will be a little tough:

A multi-niche blog will make more money, or a single blog niche will make more money, this is the question that always comes to the mind of a new Blogger.

The income of your blog is directly proportional to the traffic and quality of the blog, so a single niche blog has better quality as compared to a multi-topic blog. You might be thinking that a blogger having a multi-topic blog will get more earnings, but that’s not the case.

Here’s an example that will help you to understand better:

Suppose you have a blog about “pet food” as a single niche blog and another blog about “pet food, photography, plants, and some other things” as a multi-topic blog. And you are promoting a product on pet food.

Do you know which blog will earn more for you?

A single-topic blog will surely make more money for you because you will be getting targeted traffic to your blog with a niche product. Whereas a multi-topic blog with more traffic will earn you less than a single-topic blog because the traffic is not targeted. Regarding ROI (return on investment), a single niche blog is better.


Search engine optimization techniques work for me.

What is the best way to find a Topic for your blog?

The experts say that start a blog about something you already know a lot about. I will say choose a niche in which you are an expert.

I chose the topic of SEO and internet marketing for my blog because it was my field. Having experience of working with SEO companies for five years. But you can also start a blog about something you are more interested in. If I am more interested in photography, then I can start a blog about it. I can earn from it as well as learn to implement new things at the same time.

Finally, What I want to say:

If you are a newbie and don’t even know the basics of SEO or Blogging. Then I suggest you first start your blog on Blogger or other free blogging platforms. No financial investment is needed the only thing needed is your effort. I have written some posts which may help you to get traffic and help you to earn money. You can check a complete guide on SEO for beginners and also some of the things that hurt SEO.

Although I suggest, you start a single niche blog in the beginning if you want to make money for yourself. Having a multi-niche blog will be a burden and needs lots of investment. It will be hard to get a return on investment (ROI) in a short time.

Now I would love to get your thoughts on the topic “Multi niche blog Vs. Single niche blog”. Do let me know what you think that we should go with a single-topic blog or a multi-topic blog.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


101 Replies to “Multi-Niche blog vs. Single-niche Blog: Which is Better and Why?”

  1. This is very interesting. I am about to start my own blog about travel because that is what I am interested in. I did travel to a few places but not as much as the pro`s. It could be a challenge starting a travel blog if you do not have much experience. What I am thinking is to concentrate on this niche and probably post about places where I have been to and places that I want to go to in the future. Again, this post gave me an idea of where to start. Thanks.

  2. I also agree with making the site in the relevant niche, but it’s difficult to write on the same topic. I will share it to my SEO circle.

  3. Sometimes it’s difficult to manage bulk content on the same topic by newbies but making a blog in relevant niche categories like Business blog may have a section of finance, stock, or HR related matters would help to get better content while keeping a single business category.

  4. Hi the Article is Nice

    But i have a query if my blog is of Coupon Niche and i post Tech Article will it affect my SEO because i saw that on coupon blog the traffic source is only india and i can earn much enough through adsence can i post more tech posts?

  5. Good post. But if you have passion on say, 3 areas , it’s frustrating to be locked down, ( particularly if ONE area is your career) but you constantly comment on twitter ( or in general) about another area of passion. 2 blogs?? What does one do? I’ve been wrestling for months!!

  6. Hello Robin,

    Nice post indeed!

    I would say there are pros and cons of both type of blogs.

    Single niche blogs are good for ranking whereas multi-niche blogs take more time to rank. I have some single micro niche sites and have seen that doing SEO for those sites gives result faster. But, I am still a person who loves multiniche blogs. However, even in multi-niche blogs, there should not be too off niches combined.

    Good read!

  7. Thanks Robin for sharing multi and single niche blog I am also starting a blog on single niche like healthy tips bcoz I am beginner in blog. so I am started only single niche so i think its correct discussion for me.

  8. Hey Robin,

    Glad to read your informative post and your effort makes every things clear about this subject. If we are starting a multi topic site or blog we should try in making a rough list of the topics which we will covering in our blog.

    This will be helpful in making strategies for our blog and also helps in collecting and targeting the contents for topics in blog. Eventually, thanks for sharing your ideology in deep.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  9. Hi Robin,

    I was in a dilemma when I first started blogging. I started a multi-niche blog and struggled with it. Kudos to Aha-Now. She is doing great. That makes me wonder why others make it with multi-niche blogs.

    I’m comfortable working on my single-niche blogs, now.

    Great post, bro.


  10. Hey Robin,

    People are up for the different niche and it’s good. Having a multi-niche blog can be more productive.

    Though the SEO would be somehow hard but I am totally in the favor.
    People should try new things.


  11. Great post! I guess If an individual blogger wants to have more traffic, they need to choose a single niche to avoid making visitors to think twice if its content is relevant to what they want to see and expect for example blogging tip. My point is visitors will go for blog that will not confuse them what your next blog post will be.

  12. Hi Robin,
    I Agree with you that a Single niche performs much better than a Multiniche blog. I learned many new things by reading your post.

  13. focusing on specific niche and multi niche has their own advantages,if you are using single niches means you have more loyal visitors as mostly those interested in that niche visit you and at same time multi niche also good for growing big as users are happy to read multiple topics at a single place.

  14. Hi Robin khokhar,
    Very informative article,thanks for the information and keep writing such amazing articles.

  15. Hey Robin,

    Great post and I do have to agree with you. We do live in the age of google symantecs which means that Google is more human and rank those blogs that are single niche and cohesive with their topics.

    This is why it’s so important to target a specific audience with your blog. It’s true that you can have a successful multi niche blog but it’s more of a challenge. If there’s no relative connection with the topics then it would be hard to get ranked well and drive organic traffic.

    But with the multi niche blogs I’ve came across I’ve found that usually they will have a lot of guests on their blogs. This helps to get their content shared and generate traffic by other means.

    Thanks for the share ! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Sherman,
      Google’s Rank brain is responsible for artificial intelligence, and you are right that Google is behaving more like humans now.Thanks for your visit and kind comment.

  16. Hi Robin,

    What excellent advice you have given here, especially for the newbie bloggers – and they keep pouring in every day lol.

    When I started, I didn’t know what the heck I was doing and had a multi niche blog, but soon learned that was the wrong way to go about it. Now I have a few of them. The one you visit all the time is all about blogging and internet marketing….which goes hand in hand.

    When it comes to my niche blogs…I have to depend on SEO and tons of research. They are fine tuned for monetization of e-commerce. But so far so good!


    1. Hi Donna,
      Sometimes Choosing a niche becomes a difficult task, and A proper research can save from making this kind of mistake. Also thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  17. Single niche is better AND you have to call it a single niche if two niches mesh well enough say for example surfing and sun screen products are both just the niche of surfing since you might need sun protection. I would end up writing about sun protection if I wrote about surfing. AND that’s because you can never run out of ideas to write about because if you did then you may as well start a second niche because you finished your single niche at a time strategy.

    Cool post idea.

  18. Hi Robin

    You have delved deep into the concept of niche blog. I still see some bloggers who still want to write on so many topics and make money with thier blog. As you have shared, multi-niche blogs have its pros and cons.

    Thanks for this post. Have a wonderful week. Take Care

  19. Hello Robin, This was an interesting topic for me! I guess I never really gave much thought to whether my blog would be a single topic blog or multi-topic blog. HUM? I do know that I do write about different things, but they are all based on gaining success online.

    You have been to my blog, I am curious about what you think? Is it a single topic blog or multi-topic blog?
    Chery :))

  20. Hi Robin,
    Nice topic and a great article around it 🙂 Personally I started my blog with different niche altogether in a single blog and found as a mistake within few months. It is not bad to start a multi_Niche blog and get succeeded (many multi-niche blogs are there in top100 blogs global list) but they need very high regular updates and lot of teamwork to cope up with the trending news and updates. On the Other hand, Single niche is stress-free and you know what you are doing and how to do it without complications and confusions. For a newbie blogger, starting with a single focused niche is the best way to startup!!

    1. Hi Gurunath,
      Yes for newbies and who handle their blog alone, a single niche blog is the best thing. And secondly thanks for visit and the comment.

  21. My choice is single niche blog to keep your mind and actions focused to what you are going to do and why you are doing so.
    Micro niche sites would make more than a multiniche site will be making. This is my personal experience. Thanks for writing a very useful article.

  22. Hey Robin, It is Good stick with one niche to get Google traction, after that we can expand our niche.

  23. If you have a blog post and your theme is cat biscuits… then you can blog all about cat related posts… but if you start talking about goldfish then it’s really going to confuse your readers and possible could confuse the social signals to and from google… you need to remain on topic and relevant with each post… In my opinion.


  24. Hi Robin, I can honestly say I agree with you about the newbie wanting to take on everything. It is so difficult to choose which area to go into that you do try and do everything in one blog. Sometimes you sort it out and find your direction, sometimes you then start more than one blog, try to keep them all up and fail miserably!

    Enjoy the journey!

  25. Hi Robin,
    Thanks for this very informative article on the difference between a single niche and
    a multi-niche blog. This is something that a lot of people don’t truly understand.

    I liked this – “Income of your blog is directly proportional to the traffic and quality of the blog, so single niche blog has a better quality as compared to the multi-topic blog. You might be thinking that a blogger having the multi-topic blog will get more earning but it’s not the case.
    Suppose you are having a blog about “pet food” a single niche blog and another blog about “pet food, photography, plants and some other things” a multi-topic blog. And you are promoting a product on pet food.
    Do you know which blog will earn more for you?
    A single topic blog will surely make more money for you! ” Great explanation!
    Visiting you from the PAC Rotator

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