Impact of Technology on Children

Technology plays an important role in development. The use of technology is not only restricted to building things but now has also...

Impact of Technology on Children

Technology plays an important role in development. The use of technology is not only restricted to building things but now has also expanded in each and every field, whether it be in manufacturing the fastest computer or in the field of education. The education sector has seen many changes within itself with the development of new technology. Various uses of technology are being implemented in classrooms and schools such as learning through mobile phones, computer, projector based smart classes, etc. which gives various benefits to the users. And Today in this post I am going to share the impact of technology on children.

As we know that everything has some positive as well as some negative impacts, thus the same goes with the impact of technology on students. Let us have a look at the pros and cons of technology on children:

Positive Impact

  • Helps in education- The latest technology has included the use of the internet. This helps children to find a solution to every question. Technology has given worldwide access to learning in the forms of learning from laptops, computers, tablets, mobile phones, and various other latest technologies. Like many are learning the web development online.
  • Sequential Arrangement of Topics- Nowadays, children focus more on the application based on learning, which they can easily access from their smartphones. The one major advantage of this type of learning is that they can go with the flow, which means the chapter is sorted in a sequential manner. They need not worry about the course completion and relation of topics from each other. Most of the subjects follow the cumulative nature; reason being, for learning a topic, one should have prior knowledge of the related topic. Such as topics like Real numbers can be easily understood after having the basic knowledge of number system.
  • Visualization in action- Most of the application provides learning through video lectures. This helps users to understand the concepts at a faster rate with ease. Visuals have a higher impact on the mind of the children. One can easily grasp the concepts and sustain them for a prolonged duration.

Negative Impacts

  • Distraction- Most of the time children lose track of their studies and get involved in games or surfing social media apps when they use technology like mobile phones or tablets for learning. This can be a blunder and a waste of time.
  • Loss of intellect- Learning through technology can also result in loss of intellectual curiosity amongst the students. This can have a negative impact on the mind and imagination of the children.

These were some of the major impacts of the use of technology for learning. Technology is accepted by today’s world as one of the advantages of learning but its negative impacts cannot be easily neglected. Although, these negative impacts can be easily minimized if children are more focused on learning.

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Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


2 Replies to “Impact of Technology on Children”

  1. Technology has no doubt been greatly beneficial to everybody, including the teachers. But, not everyone can truly enjoy the benefits in reality. Older teachers are not capable of using those technologies and as you said, distraction is a great factor.

  2. Technology have very positive impact on children. With the advancement in technology, students get to learn many things online. The main benefit students get is of online tutoring. These days most of the students prefer online tuition, rather going to tuition centre. This helps students a lot in self-improvement. It as well enhance the skills of children.

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