How much does a WordPress website cost?

Do you want to create your own WordPress website? And exactly don’t know how much does a WordPress website cost? Although, I...

How much does a WordPress website cost

Do you want to create your own WordPress website?

And exactly don’t know how much does a WordPress website cost?

Although, I will try my best to share Some facts about the Cost of the WordPress website.

When you are going to use WordPress then without an inkling of skepticism you should know about its cost. Inevitably, this is one of the biggest questions of the hour and most of you have it in your mind. You must be aware that the core WordPress software is available for free of cost. Moreover, as icing on the cake, the cost of WordPress completely depends on the budget and how you are going to create the WordPress website. Here you will know the WordPress cost that will help you to avoid superfluous spending so that you can build an extraordinary website.

What are the prerequisites to build a WordPress website?

Firstly and most importantly, you should know about WordPress which is available for free to download and use. It is nothing but open-source software that you can download and install on your device or on the servers. It is available for free of cost. It is available in different two categories:

  • for building a free blog.

  • for developing a Self-hosted WordPress website.

Next, you need to have a web hosting in order to store all your files. After that, there is a requirement to have a domain name. This is nothing but your web address which will be often used by the people to know about your website. You can utilize lots of things which are available for free of cost. Surely there are some things which you can also purchase. The WordPress theme cost will depend upon the features that are provided in it. While building your website including hosting and domain, the cost completely depends upon your requirement and additional tools that you use. So let us start by knowing the real cost of building a website.

What is the estimated cost of the WordPress site?

Depending upon different specifications the cost of the website completely varies from approximately $1,000 to over $100,000. Here are some categories that will explain to you the low-level budget websites.

  • Building a WordPress website (low budget): These are extremely low budget and are cost-friendly WordPress websites. At first, you have to consider the domain name and web hosting. After that, it becomes easier to manage everything effectively. Bluehost is one of the official WordPress hosting recommended by the professionals in order to experience a low budget website with a high-end experience. You should also know how to choose the best WordPress hosting and after that, you have to install it simply. You have to typically purchase the domain which is available at a cost of $14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month or there are also other hosting providers where you can buy hosting for even less than $12 USD per year for the first time, depending on the requirements of your websites. Once this is done then you will come to know about the whole gaunt of features along with that you have to consider web Optimisation as well as web security specifications.

  • Building a WordPress website (with more features): If you would like to add more WordPress features then you can undoubtedly make use of this WordPress free as well as paid themes and plugins. You will find enormous flamboyant extraordinary Free WordPress themes that are responsive and ready to use with one click. In most of the cases of the WordPress website design pricing of this WordPress website is a little bit expensive because of the paid themes and plugins. But the price of the WordPress website goes higher when we for the customization of the website

  • Building a WordPress eCommerce website: Millions of people are using the e-commerce world. It is too good to be aware that the cost of this WordPress e-commerce website is escalating nowadays but it will facilitate a quality building with advanced features. You need to have SSL certification which is about  $10 to $69.99/year. This certificate will assist you in accessing the information safely and it will eliminate unauthorized access. In addition to this, there are a plethora of advantages and perks associated with the e-commerce website. Apart from all this one of the best way to minimize your cost is by initiating with small as well as adding extensions and other services which are available for free of cost. If you are interested to pay more then you can utilize the unlimited range of services. However, the exact cost of the website will depend upon your requirement.

  • Building a custom WordPress website: A Customised website is a unique way in which you can create your own website by utilizing creative designs. Most of the business sectors make use of customized WordPress websites only. With the help of the managed WordPress hosting provider, you can easily go on the line and utilize all different specifications provided in it. Additionally, you will also have to pay for the hosting and the domain name which is directly paid by the developer. In every aspect, the overall cost of the website will be approximately $500 to $5000. If you would like to use additional features than the cost may keep on surging.

Cost estimator

You can also make use of the WordPress website cost estimator that will act as a helping hand in providing an estimated cost of building your website. It will additionally help you to remove extra unwanted charges and you can completely keep the focus on your website only. Basically, there will be two types of choices available before you could actually start the installation process. Purchasing themes as well as customized themes from which you can choose any one of them. It will help you to give an exact and accurate prediction of the cost that is going to be applied to your website. If you feel that the cost is too much then you can make use of some of the themes that will be within your budget or even go for the Free WordPress themes.


So you might have got a hang of the different prices available for the WordPress website. So you can implement this information practically and work in accordance to minimize the cost applicable for creating your website. Eventually, you will finally get a WordPress website that is professionally good and at the same keeps the cost in check as well.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


8 Replies to “How much does a WordPress website cost?”

  1. It’s really appreciating for posting an informative blog. It is helpful for everyone even he/she is beginner or experienced. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Robin
    A well explained post.
    This will surely be a great guide to the people who wants to start a website of their own.
    I will refer this to my friends.
    Thanks for sharing.
    May you have a great week ahead.

  3. Hey Robin!

    The truth is, you can build your own WordPress website for as low as $2. I’m a web designer so I’m always helping my clients get a domain name and a hosting service for the first time. My last client, for example, bought a domain name at GoDaddy for $0.99 cents (for the first year) and paid $0.01 cents (for the first month) for a hosting plan from Hostgator. In total, she spent under $2 to get started with a WordPress site!

    It’s very inexpensive to build a self-hosted WordPress site nowadays.

    Thank you for sharing this man!

    Have a wonderful week! 😀

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