A beginner’s guide to voice search and how it will change the SEO in the future?

Where the last few decades experienced the wave of mobile-first economy, the present and the upcoming decade denounce something that we call...

guide to voice search

Image Credits: pixabay

Where the last few decades experienced the wave of mobile-first economy, the present and the upcoming decade denounce something that we call AI-first. Ok, this is nothing but introducing the concept of your very much popular AI in different aspects for all industries. From manufacturing to automotive, healthcare and finance, AI has its wings spread all over. With this, a new experiment done by the AI experts is in the field of SEO. For years, we have known that Google ranks websites based on the relevancy of the content and the one that is optimized the most, appears at the top.

However, with the advent of hands-free mode, the notion of SEO has changed and to an extent, where marketers need to shift their focus from text marketing to voice optimization. Yes, you heard that right. Today, nearly every smartphone is AI compatible. Users now prefer giving commands instead of typing. From Microsoft’s Cortona to Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant, all are readily active to help users go pro with voice searching.

Now, this definitely eases the efforts put up by the user but on the other side, it increases the work of the marketers. They have been used to integrating SEO techniques for content optimization and with the onset of voice search, the entire scope of SEO changes. And so, the marketers to need to redesign their strategies and embed measures to stick to the game.

What is Voice-SEO? 

Voice Engine Optimization or VSEO is similar to the context of context-based search engine optimization. Earlier, marketers used to optimize their website content to get flagged and lead the charge. However, today users have more inclination towards voice searching, there arises the concept of voice-based search engine optimization. This outlines measures to optimization the site in a way that increases the likelihood of appearance with voice search results.

Not to forget that voice search results have a maximum of three outputs. Meaning that if your site is not optimized, the possibility of it appearing in the list is the least, let alone being at the first.

In case you are still not convinced on the idea of voice search optimization, let’s have a quick look at certain facts.

  • According to a survey done by Google, nearly 55% of the teenagers and 41% of adults indulge in voice search each day.
  • As of Q4 2019, there exist more than 25 billion digital voice assistants.
  • Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa account for around 30% voice searches

And the list goes on. There is no end to the trend of voice assistants and this is only expected to rise in the near future. Knowing that SEO has a major role to play when it comes to online visibility, it is important for all businesses to optimize their website and turn it VSEO rich.

How Does Voice Search Effect SEO?

Until now we have seen how the online space is growing and how actively users are adopting the technology of voice search. It’s time that we shift our focus on how to optimize your site for voice search and improve the searchability of your web apps. But before that, let us walk down the ways in which voice search disrupts SEO.

  • The Length Of Search Query 

This goes without saying. Suppose you need to know about artificial intelligence. What you do is type AI in healthcare or artificial intelligence bots in the Google search bar. However, with voice-based search, the entire query changes. It is no longer restricted to two or three words. Instead, you spell the entire query: How does artificial intelligence enhance the healthcare industry? Right. So, this is how voice search alters the query. Till date, you have been accustomed to keywords that are of 2-3 words long but with voice search, you need to index longer words, even more than the long-tail keywords.

  • A Question As A Query 

Text-based searches are merely statements or Keywords. However, the idea of voice search extends beyond just a statement and is in the form of a question. Instead of saying AI in healthcare, you are more likely to ask “How does the technology of artificial intelligence affect the healthcare industry?” So, it is important for marketers to keep an eye on the keyword and ensure that they are not just words but pose a question.

  • To The Point Queries

Another significant aspect of voice search is the relevancy of the query. Users are more likely to speak with clear intent as seeking an answer to their question: “How To Bake A Cake”? It is important for the marketer to keep an eye on the keywords to be inked within the content so as to rank better. The greater the content matches, the higher is the rank. One way marketers can amplify their content is by using natural language.

It might sound tough but once you get into the spectrum of voice search, you would realize VSEO is far more effective than SEO.

Voice Search – Redefining the Future of SEO

Voice Search has just entered the digital industry and stating that this would stay is justified. With advancements in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, voice search would not only grow but improve along the course. It is important for digital marketers to adopt strategies and fine-tune their ideas to map the needs of VSEO.

To help you deal with this, we outline some tips you can consider when transforming your SEO techniques to VSEO strategies and improve the searchability of your web apps.

  • Be The Solution Provider

Considering the fact that voice-based searches are more about answering a question, there would be a simple tweak in the way, you get your content written. What we mean to say is that instead of writing facts, drafting statements and creating stories, shape your content in a way that answers the question or help the user solve a problem. Remember, voice search renders customization and if your content isn’t compatible with one, your website is missing something huge.

  • Optimize Keywords

After the content comes to the keyword. To date, you have been using a mix of short keywords and long-tail keywords. With voice search having longer keywords, you need to emphasize more on the long-tail keywords and deter the usage of shorter ones. Also, don’t forget to structure the keyword in a way that is a question. Delve in the content outline, determine which words would attract the user more and then embed each to VSEO your site.

  • Invest in the schema markup

Using schema markup helps you optimize your existing content by giving it a significant context. As of now, only 0.3% of the overall websites use schema markup. You being the next would help you profit from the same.

  • Verify Your Company’s Data

Customers have the highest tendency to voice search an address or a location. So when you design the website, make sure that the address your feed is right and does not involve any discrepancy. Failing of which might lower your Google rankings.


Google Voice Search: How It Will Make You Revamp Your SEO Strategies?

How SME’s Can Make Sure Their Content Is Optimized For Voice Search?

The Final Word 

Exciting, interesting, intimidating, all account for the adjectives of voice search. Undeniably, the trend is on the rise and knowing all of the above, if you still delay rebuilding your SEO strategy, you are on the losing side. Stop procrastinating and start embedding techniques to improve the searchability of your web apps. In case you need assistance, reach out to a mobile app development company and let them help.

Nikhil Bansal

Nikhil Bansal is the CEO and Founder of Apptunix, a leading Mobile App Development Company helping businesses in streamlining their processes with powerful and intuitive mobile apps. With extensive experience in iOS app development, he has established himself as a highly-focused Solution Architect and UX expert, the one who is always ready to make efforts in the direction where technology blends with lives.


5 Replies to “A beginner’s guide to voice search and how it will change the SEO in the future?”

  1. Thank you for sharing the full guidance about voice SEO.
    Now-a-days Voice Search is very popular in everywhere. People doing voice search instead of typing something, it saves time also.

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