The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building Strategies in 2025

If you think people are going overboard when they ask whether or not link building is dead, we’re here to tell you...

The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building Strategies

Image Credits: pixabay

If you think people are going overboard when they ask whether or not link building is dead, we’re here to tell you that it’s a valid question. With all the new SEO strategies that continue to flood the market every year, it’s natural that people are questioning the validity of something as “old” as link-building. So, I have made a guide to link building strategies to the following 2025.

People have been asking this question since 2015!

But the answer is still a resounding NO! Many leading businesses spend a lot of time, energy, and money on hiring experts for professional link-building services—and for good reason.

The relationship between ranking and backlinking is and always has been a better love story than Twilight. From schema markups to SSL and social media management, there’s a lot that goes into doing SEO right. But link building can’t be dismissed. Backlinks don’t just underlie high rankings; they’re indispensable to high rankings.

However, processes around link building have changed over the years.

What was once a matter of linking back to a couple of websites—authoritative or otherwise—is now a far more complex and far more demanding task.

The algorithms on search engines such as Google are far more developed these days. Too developed for anyone to manipulate rankings simply by going overboard with keywords and backlinks.

Link building—if you don’t know anything about it—involves building traffic from websites that link back to you. Search engines use hyperlinks like a discovery tool—they help SERPs crawl from one website to another. This is why if you get a backlink from a popular website, you have more chances of being higher on SERP rankings since they’re already on the search engine’s radar.

Your aim, then, isn’t just collecting hyperlinks from other websites—but collecting high-quality backlinks from popular and authoritative websites. This is what makes link-building so tough.

A search engine, after having crawled web pages and taking note of if you have enough authoritative links, will look at other elements such as keywords. Eventually, if your website’s content, backlinks, and other SEO pillars all stand tall, you’ll be ranked accordingly.

Naturally, as a business that invests in SEO strategies, you want to bag top ranks on SERPs. This you can do by adhering to link-building strategies that are tried and tested.

Reach Out

Your goal is to present yourself as an authority in your field. You do this by creating useful, authoritative content, by adding all the right facts and figures, and by reaching out to the right people.

These could be people you mentioned in blogs or targeted keywords, for starters. Try to get their attention, through emails or comments—just don’t be annoying—to create a network.

Guest Blogging

This has to be one of the oldest tips in the big bad book of link building. And it’s easy to understand why.

You write articles for other websites that cater to the same niche as you. You follow their guidelines, and if they like what you’ve written, they’ll publish your article. You’ll link back to your website in that article, creating an authoritative backlink!

Remember, when looking for guest blogging websites, try and find one that’s relevant to your business and your niche.

While you’re focusing on building new links and getting new mentions from authoritative websites, don’t forget that you might be losing links at the same time. Often, when a page is re-written or deleted, you might lose an existing link. This can affect your digital presence, making it difficult for search engines to crawl and index you.

Once you find out that you’ve lost existing links, try and discover why your link was removed. If the guest blogging website or other website has been deleted, see if they have popped up somewhere else. If the post has been rewritten, check if you can still make an appearance in the new content. Remember to not be too pushy about it. Shoot them an email and be cordial in your outreach.

In the meantime, keep working on getting new backlinks. You’ll be losing links over time, and one of the many ways you can stay ahead of rivals and search engine crawlers is by being consistent in your link building.

Do Some Research, Anderson

We understand that leading businesses with professional SEO teams working for them are already on board with expert link-building services, but this blog is focused on beginners.

How does a beginner, or a budding business, ensure that they are establishing their authority as a credible business on SERPs, and how do they score backlinks from other websites when they haven’t yet had brand mentions?

There’s an easy trick you can try. Let’s say you sell products that can be used for arts and crafts. There is a market for this; you just have to tap into it. It involves you doing sneaky Google research.

Type in your targeted keywords and see what websites pop up. Check if they have blogs and if they backlink to other websites and businesses—businesses like yours. If they do, make notes on what they like backlinking to—a particular product, or perhaps other blogs and how-to content.

Once you know what other popular websites are willing to link back to, start working on your content. Create content that you know these websites will be searching for—and you have a good enough chance to obtain those backlinks. It’s also a great idea to hire an expert link-building service provider to do this for you.

Don’t Forget to EAT

Yes, EAT.

EAT is the go-to method for link building top link building services sworn by Experts, Authoritative, Trustworthy.

These are the three factors that can help any website get ranked higher on SERPs. The EAT structure helps SERPs improve their results by user intent. And any site that appears to be an expert (on what it does), authoritative, and trustworthy must have the backlinks to prove it. What you’re aiming for here is value.

You can optimize your hyperlinks according to user intent by focusing on question-based searches, high-ranking keywords, Google’s “People Also Asked This” section, and more. Not only should your website be built to fit the EAT format, but it’d also be great if you could rope in backlinks from other websites that are considered to be credible.

One great link-building technique is to optimize your hyperlinks for your target keywords—see what we did there.

About the Author

A leading writer and SEO specialist for Search Berg, the author is an expert in link-building services, PPC marketing, digital media management, and social media campaigns for small businesses.

With his help, multiple businesses have boosted their link-building profile, collecting high-quality hyperlinks from authoritative websites and effectively improving their SERP rankings.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


3 Replies to “The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building Strategies in 2025”

  1. Thanks for the great explanation. I had never heard of the EAT method, or at least it explained like that. It does make sense though. Thank you for sharing this strategy, I am going to add it to my long list of things to do to try and get my website found on Google and the other search engines.

  2. Impressive link building strategy you introduced with us thanks for sharing with us.

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