10 Graphic Design Tips For Beginners

If you just plunged into the big, complex, but at the same time interesting world of product design, you have a lot...

10 Graphic Design Tips For Beginners - Tricky Enough

Image Credits: pexels

If you just plunged into the big, complex, but at the same time interesting world of product design, you have a lot to learn and a lot to learn.
So sit back and enjoy reading our design tips.

1. Your creativity is more important than the design tool you choose

Each of the design tools available to us, desktop or cloud, is just a tool. If a designer has the will and determination to become the best, he will become one with whatever tool he chooses. Some tools can place some limits on creativity, but they can never completely suppress it.

There is no magic tool that suits all designers, and you must keep this in mind, no matter how often you defend your loved one.

Great designs can be done with whatever design tool you choose to use. It all depends on how far you want to go creatively.

2. Don’t compare yourself to other designers

Many of us looked at a colleague and thought that his design was the greatest thing ever to grace a digital device, and our design was in some way inferior to him. Has anyone experienced Impostor Syndrome?


Stop doubting your abilities and the results of your work. Keep doing what you are doing, keep learning, always try to improve your own style.

There are hundreds, no, thousands of people who think you are creating awesome designs. Don’t compare your projects with others and think less about your work.

Become a better designer without comparing yourself to others.

3. Use simple ideas

When you choose from several options, the second idea may be more interesting than the first, but it will also be more difficult. Difficult ideas are difficult to communicate with, and it is very difficult to communicate with them. By using simple ideas, you feel safe. Plus, if you need to fix something, it will take less time to make all the changes than if you were working on a complex concept. So you create time in order to finish everything and take up new projects before the deadline comes.

4. Don’t be afraid to work on a tight budget

Sometimes, as an artist, you don’t need money, you are working on a product for the sake of the end result. There is always such a balance that someone wants commerce, and someone wants creativity. Feel free to invite those who might be really interested in the project, or ask for the contacts of the right people. Have a look at https://fireart.studio.

5. Use social media

Many clients come through blogs, through pages on the Internet; it is very important to be present on social networks and represent yourself correctly so that you are known. This is an obvious thing that is sometimes overlooked.

6. Don’t underestimate yourself as a professional

When you are an aspiring young designer, you can be dragged into this kind of “collaboration” when 90% of the time spent is nowhere.

If someone is looking for a genuine partnership and respects your work, then they should be willing to pay for your time and effort. Unfortunately, this practice of promising untold wealth in the future after you’ve already given your time for free is as common today as it was 10 years ago.

Proceed with caution and do not work for free, no matter how fabulous the promised riches may seem.

7. Be relevant

You can conduct marketing research, talk to people representing your target audience, and still be unclaimed. In a sense, marketing is your heart, understanding, and feelings. This approach in graphic design is called communication: go outside and communicate with people, there is no other way. Try to understand them, feel the existing need, and translate them into your language. Communicating is what is relevant.

8. Don’t think about money from the start

Do not think about money from the very beginning, because you will be doing this business all your life. The boring part of this job is that you sit in front of the computer all day, 24 hours, 7 days a week, and you will spend 80% of your life in front of the monitor. And if you don’t like it, then don’t meddle in it.

9. Want to get more done? Try time blocking

Time blocking is applicable to many industries, including design.

According to this method, the most important work is done first. In the morning, from 9:00 to 13:00. It is during this time that most of us reach our peak of productivity, before creative fatigue kicks in the afternoon and our focus indicator starts blinking red.

Avoid distractions during this period as much as possible. Concentrate fully on the important task of the day, in the allotted time frame, and no doubt you will get more done.

10. Find the ideal and follow it

If there is someone somewhere whose work you personally admire, try to communicate with him/her. Learning is faster and more enjoyable from people who light you up.


The Best Team Collaboration Tools That Are Too Good To Ignore.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


5 Replies to “10 Graphic Design Tips For Beginners”

  1. very useful tips for beginner graphic designer and you are right don’t compare yourself with others. Thanks for sharing this post.

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