Future of Social Media in the Next 10 Years

Social media is an ever-changing concept. It has evolved from sharing information and connecting with people to a means of self-expression and...

future of social media marketing

Image Credits: pixabay

Social media is an ever-changing concept. It has evolved from sharing information and connecting with people to a means of self-expression and networking. With the recent introduction of live video streaming, live commenting, and live chats, among other features, social media will undergo yet another transformation in the coming years. The future of social media is bright, and there are many opportunities for it to grow in size and scope in the next decade. As our digital world expands exponentially, communities will continue to form on the internet due to IoT (Internet Of Things).

Social media has changed the way people communicate. It has changed how people share things, but more importantly, it has created a platform for businesses to advertise and promote their products to potential customers. Social media marketing is not just an option anymore; it is a requirement for any Digital marketing Company or other that wants to be seen in today’s society or wants to stay relevant. With social media being such an integral part of our society, it is only natural that social media marketing becomes more of an automated process.

Things are changing rapidly

Social media is still growing and will continue to grow. Social media platforms will have new features that are customized for the users. The future of social media is not just about connecting with people but also being able to access more information on the go without having to search through many different websites.

Social media is evolving at a very fast pace

Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. It has changed how companies communicate with their customers and how people get to know each other. Social media is evolving at a very fast pace, and it seems that the next ten years are going to be an exciting time for social media.

We are going to see some changes in how social media is used by brands and individuals, including the following:

Automation of SMM Campaigns

In the past, SMM was done manually by a human who would log in to social media accounts, manage them and post content. This will be done by automation which will be more efficient and accurate.

This is because social media platforms have been changing over the years, and they have been getting automated. For example, Twitter introduced a new API that allows users to schedule tweets for a future date or time. This makes it easier for marketers to create campaigns without logging into their accounts at specific intervals to post content.

Social Recruiting

Social networks are changing the way companies recruit people. While Facebook still dominates the social media industry, Instagram quickly gains ground as a relevant platform for recruiting talent. And why not? More than 30% of the world’s population has an account on Instagram. Social recruiting will continue to evolve and change as job seekers find it easier to find out about jobs through this channel.

The recent developments in social recruiting have given HR managers an easy way to reach out to potential candidates on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Recruiters are finding that by connecting with them on these channels, they are more likely to identify which candidates would be best suited for their company or position. Social media recruiting also offers a great way for companies to stay connected with their current employees by using these channels as a platform for company announcements.

Geo-Social Services

The way we interact with people and the world around us is changing. With the growth of social media, our interactions have been very much influenced by what we see on our timeline or what we post. But with geosocial services, the next few years will see many changes in how we interact with one another and how content is shared.

These geosocial apps use location information to share messages, pictures, videos among friends near each other. They let users discover new people and make connections while on the go. These apps are not only limited to chatting or sharing messages; they also allow you to share your favorite places or events that you’re attending, which makes it easy for others to join you there too.

Decentralized Platforms

We will see a massive shift from centralized platforms to decentralized platforms in the next few years. There is a strong need for a more democratic and transparent social media environment, especially in times of fake news and data scandals. Decentralized platforms are a new way of using the internet as a global, interconnected data and information sharing system. In contrast to centralized platforms, these decentralized networks do not have a single point of authority or control.

In these networks, users contribute to the platform’s content, and other users interact with that content by voting it up or down. These systems are based on a peer-to-peer network used to validate transactions and broadcast messages. The site can be saved from censorship by anyone within the network due to its decentralized nature. This would be a social media platform where people could share posts anonymously and keep their identities private from advertisers or other third parties who might try to track them down.

Brands will be more interactive with their customers through social media channels

Customers would like to interact with brands in a very different way. Brands will try to use language that customers are familiar with. They would like to learn about what customers like and don’t like. For this purpose, they would need to understand the latest social media trends. On the other hand, customers will expect to talk directly with brands on social media channels without any hassle or interference from third-party agencies or influencers.

The companies and brands of today are already adopting interactive and conversational business practices. This trend is growing, and we will see the number of interactive social media channels rise in the next 10 years. While we can’t know what each company’s priorities will be in 10 years, we can say that some social media channels will always be on every company’s priority list.

More personal use of social sources by people

Social media is one of the most popular communication platforms. There are many different social media sites, but Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most used. These three social media sites have about 2 billion monthly active users each. The future of social media is more personal use by people. People will be able to communicate with their friends and family much easier. People will also be able to share much more personal information that they never thought they would share before because it was too much for them or their friends or family members to handle.

More Personal Sharing Of Photos/Videos/Status Updates On Individual Account Rather Than Company Page

In the future, people will share more personal photos and videos on their accounts rather than on a company page. This will be because of the increasing usage of social media to share personal moments with friends and family. Posting a photo or a video on a company page is no longer as appealing as it used to be. People would rather post their content privately with their friends and family to ensure that they are not sharing too much information with the public.

This shift is partly due to the rise of social networks like Instagram and Snapchat that allow for sharing photos and videos, rather than just company pages. With the increasing number of social networking platforms, people are making less use of company pages to share personal thoughts and feelings.

It is also because the companies want to keep the customers and the competitors away from their employees, and they don’t want to share industry information.

More immersive experiences through live video streaming or 360 videos

The future of social media is immersive. As the next 10 years unfold, consumers will demand more from their social media experience. They want to be able to feel like they’re in the moment with their favorite influencers and celebrities. They want to be able to interact with them in almost real-time, find out more about them, and see what it’s like for them daily. This will translate into more live video streaming or 360 videos that allow you to virtually be there alongside someone as they engage with their followers or fans.

With this technology, it will become easier than ever before for people looking for an escape from reality to get one- no matter where they are. This has the potential to open up a whole new world.


Social media platforms are expected to grow, with some platforms experiencing rapid growth. With its 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the world’s most popular social media platform. This position is unlikely to change in the next 10 years. The most significant change in the next 10 years is that people will use social media for different purposes, not just to keep in touch with friends and family but also for work, entertainment and shopping. Social media will continue to be a major part of our lives, but it will evolve significantly over the next 10 years.


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Ravi Sharma

Ravi Sharma is a digital entrepreneur who has a vision of helping businesses by increasing their online presence in terms of Websites, Applications, and SEO.


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