Let’s start with an interesting fact – 8 billion video views are earned daily on Facebook, which includes all of the video ads, video posts, stories, and live streams! IF you are not part of this race, you are not in the race.
With the digital landscape quickly moving towards thumb stroke content, it all comes down to how quickly you can get the attention of your target audience, and how long you can keep them engaged.
Do you know of the right brain vs. left brain theory?
Simply put, right-brained people are creative and have intuitive visualization, whereas left-brained people are analytical and quick with linear thinking. Digital Marketers are amongst the few people who have the synergies to bring the best of both worlds (hemispheres to be honest).
How To Create a Successful Facebook Video Ad Campaign?
In order to put together a successful Facebook video ad campaign, here is how you use the best of your right and left brain -Â
1. Get your creative juices flowing (Right Brain):
You might have the best targeting and campaign set-up, but if your content is not spot-on, your campaign won’t reap the best results. In addition to coming up with a kick-ass video strategy, you should be able to communicate your message correctly. Below are some tricks of the trade:
- Shorter the better: Even though Facebook permits 240 minute long videos on its platform, video ads play by different rules. The attention span of your audience is dropping by the minute, and you are fighting for space and attention amongst 6 million other businesses. Facebook recommends the video length of 5 to 15 seconds for paid ads; shorter videos have higher completion rates, which enable you to communicate your complete message in the said amount of time.
- The brand first, Bait later: Even though the audience prefers raw and honest content, there is a 23% higher possibility of a viewer remembering your brand if it was mentioned in the first 3 seconds of the video.
- Mime it out:Â Up to 85% of viewers start to consume video content with ‘sound-off.’ This allows brands to harp on this knowledge and create content that would serve the same purpose with or without the sound. Some things that you should keep in mind while preparing your video are:
- Use subtitles if there is a voiceover in the video.
- Use bold and loud communication. Write your communication statement upfront and use thumbnails smarty.
- Throw in reminders for the audience to switch the ‘sound on.’
- Create a cool copy (Even try alliteration!): Your real estate with any ad format are the visual cues and the textual content; your ad copy and post copy should do justice to the video you stitch together. Have similar tonality across all your ad content pegs. Try to leave Easter eggs in the post copy to encourage your audience to watch the video. (Learnt this from the Marvel Universe)
- Action, Cut, Edit: We all know the magic happens in the editing room! InVideo is a free video editing software that has over 1500 existing templates that you can adapt to custom sizes, colors, fonts, and elements. You can use Facebook ad templates which are made keeping in mind all the points mentioned above.
2. Logic Says (Left Brain):
With a solid video strategy and smart content curation, it comes down to strategizing your ad campaign. Making the best of all the information that you have, and using it to show results is all that is left.
- Think Mobile first: With over 95% of Facebook users installing the app on their mobile phones, that is the real estate you must harp on. Mobile-first ads not only give more screen space to your ads but also enables your text to be more readable, and you get to have a majority of the SOV for that particular impression.
- One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Speaking of ad specs, even though Facebook gives you options to customize and take things in your own hands, there are some numbers and historical data that makes it easier for you to decide what works best for your audience:
– Square videos get 35% more views and 100% more engagement than horizontal videos.
– Square video (1:1) takes up 78% more space on mobile news-feed than landscape video (16:9).
So, what is your pick – Vertical or square?
- Support the Video Ad: Use a supported file format while storing your video and make sure the video meets the minimum specifications. This can affect the delivery of the ads. Facebook recommends GIF, MOV, or MP4 as the best video formats for performance, but they have an exhaustive list to pick from.
3. Piecing The Puzzle Together (Campaign Set-up):
Now that you have all the tricks up your sleeve let’s get to the last part of the puzzle.
- Set up your campaign on Business Manager.
- Head to Ads Manager and select the Ad account.
- Click on Create.
- Select the objective basis for your marketing and video strategy. Check that this objective supports videos. If you select Video Views as your objective, know about the video ad metrics:
- 3-second continuous video views – The video ads get the most video plays of 3 continuous seconds or more.
- ThruPlay – The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.
- Invest time in getting your audience spot on. Use lookalike audiences, retargeted audiences, and create custom audiences where needed.
- Select your ad placement: (While you select your placement, you can also optimize your video to multiple size specs basis different ad placements.)
- Automatic Placement places your ad across ALL eligible placements.
- Custom Placement lets you select which real estate you want to invest in.
- Select the format option basis for your video strategy.
- Single Image/Video
- Carousal
- Slideshow
- Instant Experience
- At this stage, you can choose to crop or trim the video on the Facebook Ad Managers dashboard if needed.
- Insert your ad copy and clickable URL.
- Click confirm to publish the video ad.
To Wrap it up
Voila! You have successfully created your first Facebook video ad campaign.
Your Ad can take up to 48 hours to get approved, during which time the campaign remains in review stage for Facebook to do their due diligence.
AI Tools To Automate Your Facebook Ad Campaigns.
Best Way To Earn Money From Facebook Ads Breaks Or Video Monetization.
Tips To Run A Successful Facebook Business Page In 2019.
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Great info you shared here. Facebook is the best platform many users getting earning via ad campaign. stunning info hope so beneficial for beginners.
many thanks.