Different Ways to Connect With Fellow Bloggers

I have been working on this article for a while now. If you are a blogger and want to make money online,...

Fellow Bloggers

Image Credits: pixabay

I have been working on this article for a while now.

If you are a blogger and want to make money online, then you have to do myriads of things. Creating great blog posts, SEO, social media, etc.

If you want to get traffic, then you have to learn many things each day.

Even experienced blogger find it difficult to make money with their blogs sometimes. You can imagine how difficult it would be for a newcomer.

So as a new blogger what can you do in order to succeed in blogging?

The first thing you can do is connecting yourself with other bloggers. You need to know all your competitors as well as friends in the blogosphere.

In the long run, it will help you get more traffic hence more money.

So what are various ways to connect with fellow bloggers?


Know what a Blog is?

How to become a full-time blogger?

Start with Guest Posting

If you are new to blogosphere, then the best way to connect with your fellow bloggers are through Guest Posting.

I remember I wrote my first guest post on a website called Shout Me Loud. Then in the next few days, I wrote few more guest posts there and then moved to writing for other popular blogs.

It gave me real exposure, and I got to know many new bloggers in my niche.

You also get to know who all your competitors are.

Later on, you get to work with your competitors as well as compete with them for the same spot that they are also competing for.

Guest posting should be easy for you because many established bloggers look for someone else who can write content for them.

So start with guest posting and connect with other bloggers.

Return the Favour

Now you must reciprocate.

You should allow other bloggers to write on your blog without expecting anything from them.

In fact, it will be a privilege for you if someone is willing to write for your new blog.

In return, you give them a backlink to their website.

You can also write about them on your blog. You can write a review on their website favoring them.

This will allow them to share your link on their website.

That’s how you build a network.

You can also send them an email requesting them to read your blog post.

If you work on this method, then you will be able to connect with as many as bloggers in the blogosphere.

However, this would not be easy because you have to be present all the time. So be persistent.

Social Media – Twitter and Facebook

You cannot afford to ignore social media.

In fact, social media would be the most important platform to connect with fellow bloggers.

Twitter is the best way to start.

You could start following all other bloggers in your niche. Then you can retweet their blog post with a link to the post.

Here I would like to tell you a trick you can play with Twitter.

You can engage a popular blogger on twitter. You can start a conversation with them by replying to their tweet.

It happens that he or she also responds and eventually a thread is created.

That thread is going to engage many other followers in the conversation. Then people you engage might start following you.

Therefore, you build a following and get to know other bloggers online.

Same thing you can do with Facebook also. But Twitter is the best way to start.

Google Blog Search

This is the best way to start with. You type keywords related to your blog’s niche in the Google search.

The search engine will present you with results that contain blogs of other bloggers.

You need to read each blog and connect with the blogger. That is how you get to know other fellow bloggers.

You can tweak with the keywords to get different results, so you get to know more new bloggers.

Medium, Tribes, Guest Crew, etc

Medium, Tribes, Guest Crew, etc. actually means blogging community.

You need to join many other blogging community websites just like these three.

Here you join and find new bloggers very easily. You don’t have to go and search for new bloggers online because you get them at one place.

Find more such blogging community websites. And connect with your fellow bloggers.

Also read: Promote your blog using Triberr.

Few more tricks

  • Commenting – Commenting is the best way to know other bloggers. You can write a short comment on a blog post with your link.
  • Send Email – Send them (bloggers) an email and build a personal relationship.

Read More:

Best Commenting Plugins for your WordPress Blog.

Leverage the Power of Mainstream Media and Influential Bloggers/writers

You can leverage the power of mainstream media and influential bloggers/writers.

If you get a chance to write for a mainstream newspaper online, then it would be really great for your new blog.

You will be exposed to everybody online and get to know new bloggers in the blogosphere.

You also need to engage with influential bloggers and other writers online.

No one is going to promote your blog for free. So first you have to help them promote their content, and they may return you the favor.

You can’t ignore the power of mainstream media as well as influential bloggers in order to enhance your cause.

Meet Up Fellow Bloggers in Your City

Finally, this is the easiest way to know bloggers in your city and the niche.

Every month or year there might be a blogger’s meet up in your city. It is like a seminar where bloggers from different niche meet each other.

They share ideas and discuss changes that are going into the blogging industry.

You meet bloggers with the diverse background. It is one of the great ways meetings and engaging with new bloggers.

You feel like a community.

There is nothing like meeting them in person than chatting or sending an email online.

So always keep an eye if there is a new blogger’s meet-up in your city.

These were few best ways to connect with fellow bloggers. And if you think that there are some more ways to connects with fellow bloggers then do let us know in the comments.

Pritam Nagrale

This article is written by Mr. Pritam Nagrale. You can connect with him on Google+ and you can also read more of his articles on companiesinindia.in blog. He has good designing skills and Technical Knowledge of 10 years and He is also SEO trainer.


11 Replies to “Different Ways to Connect With Fellow Bloggers”

  1. Very good insight Pritham. Developing relationship with fellow bloggers is a must to get traffic!!!

  2. I personally prefer guest blogging, it gives connection with other bloggers as well as new readers.

  3. Yes, as per your discussion in the post, interacting with bloggers will help you a more & more on your blog improvement, Yes, it’s really a great, few days back i have started blog commenting through various bloggers blog post, i always read a full post information and then i leave a comment. Here, too done the same, here also the every points will very helpful to gain a new bloggers. My next step may be, going to meet my city bloggers. Is here any body available to meet me in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. If any please don’t hesitate to contact me..


  4. Hi Robin,
    Very true and useful suggestions! My favorite is being in a “tribe” or community where there is a common goal to help each other out. I’ve been online for many years and before social media came along, connecting with people was very challenging. You can not do it yourself .. you need engagement with others who help to get your message out. Good suggestions, thank you

  5. Hi Robin & Pritam,
    Smart ways to connect with other bloggers. After almost a year of blogging, I’m just now feel I’ve something of value to make such connections worthwhile. It’s good to see that both of you are following techniques listed in this post. Good job, thanks.

  6. I agree to the points. Connecting to fellow bloggers and influencers is must when you are in blogging. I wouldn’t right away reach any but once things are going well enough, I would like to of course reach out and work on building relationships.

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