Sushant Gupta
Is an Online Geek. Who Diggs out the different ways for how can we make money online. He has been earning through e-commerce sites for years and wants to share his experience with all.
The demand for a data scientist is very high in every company that growing continuously. Data scientists help you to analyze your...
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The demand for a data scientist is very high in every company that growing continuously. Data scientists help you to analyze your company data and also need to access that data for the growth of your company business. As well as data scientists need all the right resources and the best set of skills that allow them to achieve the best results with your data. As per the IBM report, the requirement for Data scientists will be increased up to 28 per cent by this year 2025 and more than 3 million job opportunities for data science specialists. Data science is a process that helps to analyze statistics, data processing, and their associated methods to identify and evaluate their actual data.
Data science includes theory and methods developed from a wide range of fields, including statistics, information science computer science, and Mathematical. Data science is increasing more importance with the development of computer learning. if you become a data analyst or data scientist, then you need to learn a minimum of one of the given programming languages. Data science is also an exciting field in which quantitative and mathematical skills and technical computational skills are combined with programming abilities.
Data Science is also one of the most popular fields in which the need for production and improved performance outcomes is increasing. This article would cover a few of the top programming languages.
In this Section, we would bring you all attention to the most commonly used programming languages all the developers for Data Science. You may already be familiar with some of the common programming languages, and Here some given Language is totally new for your Users.
Python is a very Popular Programming Language and Python is a very Simple Syntax free language as compared to other Programming Languages.
Developers mostly used this Programming Language in the Data Science field and Machine Learning.
Python language has an essential role among the best tools for data science and Python is also the popular alternative for a variety of activities in fields such as Computer Learning, learning techniques, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and many more. It’s indeed object-oriented, simple to use, and incredibly easy to configure due to its high usability of code.
Python Programming language’s large community of libraries and multi-purpose applications make it a truly multi-faceted choice. Many main features supported by Python language include:
JavaScript is multi-paradigm and also event-driven scripting & Programming language and this JavaScript is one of the top leading programming languages, Which is used in web development and this Scripting Language is used mostly all the Developer & Web Developer. With the help of JavaScript, developers can build beautiful and immersive websites, and JavaScript properties help developers to make it a perfect option for making amazing visualization.
A lot of developer uses this JavaScript for Data Science like handling repetitive tasks and processing real-time information & data. A number of valid reasons for JavaScript Scripting Language are:
D3.js is a famous JavaScript library that is used for accessing data used for web standards. D3.js helps developers to bring their data back into existence by using Canvas, HTML, and SVG. ii dD3.js is a very powerful visualization tool and design tool with a data approach DOM management and it allowing you the full capability of browser plugins and the ability to develop the perfect user interface(UI) for your outcome.
TensorFlow.js is another JavaScript Library and this is also open-source and freely available JavaScript library and this is used for the Execution and deployment of machines learning and Artificial Intelligence models.
Math.js is also an open-source JavaScript and Node.js library. This features an extensive-expression interpreter with help for mathematical programming, It comes with a wide range of built functions and parameters, and provides a rise significantly for dealing with various data types such as numbers, real numbers, percentages, fractions, and matrices.
Java is another programming language for Data Science, and developers used this Java language for Desktop and Android applications. Any of the largest corporations have long used that as their main development application of preference for secure development. Java has provided platforms like Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Scala, and Fink for Data Science.
JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine and JVM is a common alternative for developers to writing code for integrated systems, data mining, and deep learning in a business environment. Some main advantages provided by Java are:
R is another programming Language and an open-source software environment and specifically, it is developed to manage the mathematical and graphical aspects of data science. Clustering, Time series data, quantitative testing, and some linear and non-linear modelling are only some of the various predictive computing and data analytic options given by R. And Third-party applications such as Jupyter and RStudio that allow interaction with R. R Programming Language provide excellent flexibility, It also allowing other programming languages to change data structures in R language without much more effort, due to its solid object-oriented design. There are some other advantages of the R programming language are:
C Programming Language is a very old language, and a lot of the new programming languages that used C / C++ as their source code, like R. C / C++ provide a strong knowledge of the principles of programming. While C / C++ is one of the most difficult languages for Data Science new learners and due to its low-level complexity, it’s also progressively being used to create applications that user can are be using for Data Science.
MATLAB is a mathematical programming environment developed to do advanced mathematical expressions and MATLAB deals with a range of software that helps you perform tasks like matrix creation, data and feature visualization, and many more. With the help of this MATLAB language, users can quickly solve the most complex mathematical or statistical questions or Problems. It is commonly used in universities for the learning of linear algebra analysis or mathematical methods. There are some more benefits of MATLAB Programming Language are:
Scala is another very high-level programming language, which works on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and It makes interacting with the Java language easy. Scala language can be used efficiently with Sparks to manage large quantities of data. Its underlying support for interoperability gives Scala a good option for developing high-performance and very effective data science frameworks, like Hadoop. There are some other features of this Programming language are:
Julia Language is a progressively largely defined and multipurpose and usable programming language that provides an effective solution for the mathematical solution and quantitative scientific study. This Julia language is used as a high-level programming language, and if required then Julia is also used as a low-level programming language. Julia Language has been used in a lot of big companies for performing different business tasks, like risk analysis, space mission planning, and time-series analysis. Some other notable characteristics of Julia are:
In this article, we covered a few Top listed programming languages for Data Science. These languages do have their advantages, and it also provides better and fast outcomes as compared to others. This same domain of data science is extremely High and It can often require a different range of tools for specific activities or Tasks. If you are becoming a Data Scientist, then you should need to start to learn the programming languages listed above, since they are currently the most famous on-demand languages.
Hey Sushant Gupta & Robin ,
Excellent post with fabulous work. Glad to say that you have suggested the best data science programming languages for developers and i truly like the list of programming languages that you have provided.
I completely agree with your words that programming language is a great strength of every developer and Data-science is also a popular field in which the need of improved-performances outcomes & production are growing. You have explained each programming language types in a very nice way that are true enough to understand. I am aware of JavaScript, java and c/c++ but others are new for me. so kindly thanks for making me aware and providing in-depth knowledge.
After going through this complete post i really got helpful ideas about each programming languages of Data-science.
Eventually thanks for sharing your knowledge, ideas and such a fantastic post.