Using Content Marketing to Boost Organic Traffic

If you’re looking to grow your company, make sure to take content marketing strategy very seriously. A good strategy will boost your...

Content Marketing to Boost Organic Traffic

Image Credits: pixabay

If you’re looking to grow your company, make sure to take content marketing strategy very seriously. A good strategy will boost your organic traffic, and your overall revenue will increase. Of course, before you start making a serious amount of money, you’ll need to increase the total number of customers. That number will rise if there are more visitors to the website. With a good marketing campaign, you’ll achieve better brand loyalty and awareness as well. Keep in mind that success can’t happen over night, so you’ll need to invest yourself in order to grow. Below are some crucial pinpoints you should follow to get organic traffic through the roof.

Create great headlines

Take some time and work on killer headlines. The better they are, the better your click-through rate will be. In addition, great headlines will increase sharing of your content in social media. A good way to create a successful headline is to start it with a number or a good adjective. The most popular articles contain killer adjectives close to the start. You may also try with popular words such as “How to” and “research.” Of course, you’ll need to create high-quality content which will resonate with your target audience. It is crucial to give your audience some real value, and they’ll repay with a lot of shares, which will most certainly increase the traffic on your website.

Optimizing the landing page

In order to increase the conversion rate, you’ll need to work on other pages besides your website’s home page. For this purpose, it is better to send new people to your product pages or your blog. That way, new people will see what are you doing and will get a better insight into your services. The first thing you should do while optimizing landing page is keyword research. That way, you’ll know if you need the creation of new pages for your target audience. Follow all of the Google’s best practices in order to rank well in search results. Feel free to seek help from agencies providing affordable SEO services in case you don’t feel comfortable with optimizing new pages by yourself.

Run some A/B testing

Working on A/B testing will most certainly help you to improve your website, and therefore, get increased traffic and conversion rate. Regardless of the size of the company, an even slight increase in conversion rate may have great consequences in the long run. Implement A/B testing to other parts of your business. You don’t need to stop at landing or home page. Compare your headlines and types of content as well. By doing this, you’ll get plenty of feedback, and you’ll know which steps to take in the future. Keep in mind that any information is good and will guide you toward success.

Work on an editorial calendar

Every respectful company is well organized, and there is no room for improvisation. Try to make yours like that as well by creating an editorial calendar. Make sure to have it done before you engage in any content marketing campaign. With the detailed editorial calendar, you’ll always have enough content, so you won’t get in position to think about new ideas at the last minute. On the other hand, the calendar will help you to learn about your audience and what they want to see. You’ll be able to gather that information through analyzing conversions, bounce rate, total time spent on the page, the number of shares, etc. Just make sure to note down all deadlines, publishing dates, authors and article titles. That way, you and everybody involved will be prepared, so your content can get online in a timely manner. Don’t forget to keep your readers involved with some teaser content as well.

Always meet your audience’s expectations

It is crucial to get familiar with your audience’s expectations and habits. There are more than few effective ways to inform your potential customers. First in line is keyword research. Once you see what people usually search online, it will be easier to target your own audience. Another way is to check the demographics data provided by Google Analytics. With that information, you’ll get more precise idea about your readers and viewers. In the end, you should try using Google Trends as well. This free tool will let you know which topics are popular in your industry. Every piece of information is valuable, so don’t stop collecting it by any means.

Spy on your competition

Get in touch with your competition and learn what works for them. If you do that in the right way, those benefits may become yours as well. Of course, you can’t do it directly, but you can use a few free online tools for the job. In order to see which keywords they are ranking for, use SEMRush. For a glance into their backlinking and most popular content, go with Majestic. In the end, try with BuzzSumo if you want to check your competitor’s success in social media. Once you’ve learned as much as you could from your competition, go ahead and create your own content marketing campaign. You may think of some new ideas, or just do a better job than your competition did.

Get maximum value from your content

If you want to increase the traffic, your goals should include getting more readers, more shares in social media and increased involvement through comments. Besides teasing your target audience with upcoming content, you may also let your friends and influencers know about your next moves. That way, they’ll be prepared to share the content once it goes live. On the other hand, you should be open to doing the same for them. By sharing each others content, you’ll open up yourself to a wider audience. Keep up with good cooperation with influencers in your industry and your organic traffic will boost in no time. Just remain present in as many places as you can in order to maximize your content value.

Final thoughts

There are plenty of tactics and strategies to boost your website’s traffic, and those above are some of the most important. Stick to them and continue building on that foundation. If you manage to do everything right, you’ll see how your sales increase, and your business bloom in the future. Don’t stop generating awareness of your brand. The more people know about you, the more happy customers you’ll earn.

Chloe Smith

Chloe Smith is a cycling enthusiast, business consultant for Supercheap storage solutions in Melbourne and a part-time writer always willing to share tidbits of advice. She believes that passion, courage, and, above all, knowledge breed success.


8 Replies to “Using Content Marketing to Boost Organic Traffic”

  1. Good article about Content Marketing. As we all know Content has become king after Google updates & now a days content give more value to a website.

    So focuisng on Content is most important thing. This article helps a lot to understand about Content Marketing.

    1. Hi Erika,

      of course, without perseverance, everything can be in vain, especially when it comes to SEO. Glad you liked the article!

  2. Hi Chloe,

    Thank you for the article on Content Marketing. I was looking forward to reading something on this and here I go. I didn’t understand A/B Testing as it was a new concept for me. I further went to the reference URL and found as what is AB Testing. Thank you for adding a strategy in my kitty.

    Best Regards,

    1. Hi Rahul,
      it’s nice to hear that you’ve gained some new knowledge! It’s what this job is all about

  3. These are some pretty great tips for general SEO as well. Thanks for sharing your expertise and knowledge, I’ll be bookmarking this page for later reading.

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