Basic Tricks To Get Your Comments Approved

Comments play a major role in a blog. Good comments boost up the blogger and encourage the blogger to keep on writing...

comments approved

Image Credits: pixabay

Comments play a major role in a blog. Good comments boost up the blogger and encourage the blogger to keep on writing good content. Being a blogger, good comments also encourages me whereas spammy comments irritate. But just let’s forget it and focus on how to get your comments approved. When I was a beginner, I use to comment like “Nice post,” “Great post” but these comments were considered as spam by the admins of the blogs and never got approved, which resulted in wastage of time and effort. So I started writing long and suitable comments which changed the whole and helped me to increase my blog’s traffic.

Here are some basic tips and tricks from my experience which could help you to get your comments approved:

Read Comment Policy (Privacy Policy):

A commenter must read the comments policy before making the comments. Because comments get approved only when commenter comments according to the law or policy set by the blog’s admin. Moreover, almost all the blogs may have same commenting policy except some, so read the commenting policy of one blog, and you are ready to comment.

Value Your Content:

By commenting you are giving value to the content, so do it perfectly. Do not use one or two words which will be a waste of time for you and blogs admin. Do not use words like:

  • Great post
  • Good post, keep it up
  • Nice post
  • Fantastic post
  • Thanks for sharing
  • Thanks for the article

Bloggers want some well-written comments. And these one word or single sentence reply helps them to know that you are a spammer and haven’t read their post. So comment wisely by reading their post first.

Read: How to Get Rid of spam comments and emails?

Use links within the comment wisely:

First, I suggest you to not to use links in the comments because it will only be considered spam by the admin, and might put you on the list of spammers. But if you still want to put your link in the comments, then give a wise reply and make sure that you are leaving your link for the sake of admin and other blog readers. It will help the blog admin to approve your comment with a link and not to put you on the spam list. You can also use commentLuv Blogs for leaving links in the comments because that is why they are using the commentLuv plugin. Many bloggers use commentLuv for getting Dofollow links, so I also use it but without doing any spamming.

Do not comment too many times on the same site in a single day:

It usually happens when we find a site with good page rank and domain authority with Dofollow comments. What we do is leave multiple comments on the website with our links in a single day. Now, what happens when the admin sees the comments he deletes all comments thinking that comments are being made by some bots or are just spam. So I suggest you comment once in a day on one site and keep it or subscribe it for further more comments on some other day.

Don’t add keywords instead of your name:

Always use your real name while commenting. This way your comments will look real, and you can make good relationships with the admin and in future, he or she may quickly approve your comments without reading them.

Agree with the Blogs Admin or Author of the post if possible:

When you are posting a comment, agree with the author because he is there to approve your comments, and if you are going to write something inappropriate for his blog post, he will never approve your comment. If the author is providing any wrong information or had made some mistakes, comment politely with reasonable changes which don’t hurt the feelings of the author. Moreover, do not use harsh words to comment which may lead you to block from the commenting section.

Don’t use too long comments:

Having a long post is Good for search engines, but a long comment of the same size of the post cannot help. People usually post long comments so that their comments get approved. But sometimes forget to write about the post they are commenting on. What authors or admins want is that the commenters must comment on what is relevant means stick to the topic on which they are commenting. Writing stories about something else or about yourself will only lead to disapproved comment. So I would say be relevant and write a comment about the post only.

Never use Affiliate links in comments:

I know that affiliate programs are amazing to earn a lot of money. But the only thing to do is not to use the affiliate links in the commenting section. You can use your own blog for the same.

Prohibit the use of Bots:

Comment manually to get the quality links or for getting your comments approved. The use of bots like scape jet, Comment Kahuna, Scrape box and commenting demon, etc. will do nothing but down ranking of your sites.

Proofread your comment before posting:

Before you post your comment, proofread it. Check your grammatical errors and make spelling corrections. Because admin will allow those comments which have perfect sense and are easily understandable. Before you hit the post button, do proofreading perfectly because once you hit the post button, then no changes will be made. I am using Grammarly for Proofreading and will suggest you use that.

Use unique comments, don’t reuse the same comment again and again:

Be unique, doesn’t mean to check the uniqueness of the comments before posting, it means do not use the same comment again and again. Like some people make a commenting template and use it on different sites that result in disapproving their comments. Because they don’t write according to the post and will lead to deleting the comments.

So I suggest you comment after reading the post and according to the situation.


List of Blog Commenting sites For referral traffic.

Some more valuable tips to get your comments approved:

  1. Create a list of blog commenting sites with the same niche where you can blog comment regularly.
  2. Subscribe to those blogs which provide good content and good domain authority.
  3. Try to read the whole post before commenting.
  4. Comment manually instead of using any paid software.
  5. Make the bloggers admins your friends.
  6. As I mentioned earlier, follow the rules of the websites for commenting.
  7. When someone comments on your blog, do reply with appropriate answers.
  8. If you are leaving links to other bloggers, allow them to leave links on your blog too. This can be another trust factor which will help you.
  9. Another important thing, use the of the gravatar image.
  10. If someone comments on your Blog Post, try to return the favor of that commenter by leaving a comment on his Blog’s post if possible. This will help the commenter to revisit your site again and again.

Hope this post of mine helps you in getting your comments approved. And if have any questions or any query feel free to tell us through comments.

Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar

Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.


27 Replies to “Basic Tricks To Get Your Comments Approved”

  1. I concur to your post. I personally delete some irrelevant comments. A comment should be long in other to be able to serve a purpose not just to get backlink. A comment must add a meaning to the post your are commenting on.

  2. All the information in this post is awesome and very interesting so thank you so much for sharing this post.

  3. Hii
    This post is really helpful for newbie blogger like me.
    This post is very helpful for back links to the blog.

  4. I never knew all of this in much details , but after you shared over i changed my commenting style and also to make sure that my comments wont get rejected or spammed . The information you render over comment stuffs is really most informative and i personally find it useful to me and i hope that it helpful for other bloggers as well. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. Thanks, Robin You are the guy who has changed my perception on blog commenting. Before reading your blogs I have tried a lot of techniques on my blog comment but most of the comments get rejected and even I was in big trouble at my office. Your tips are so helpful to gain a positive blog comment.

  6. I actually think this will bring a lot of changes on my way to do follow comment and will help me get more back links.

  7. Seriously while reading your blog I find more information how to approved our comment in other blog and websites.Before reading your blog I only reach 3 to 4 approved comment in a day but now as soon as I reach 10 to 20 quality approved comments in a day.

  8. Robin you share the good information it would help me and the other people to get backlink from another blogs or website.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful Information.

  9. Hi Robin,

    I strongly agree with just about everything in your post except… #5 in your “More important tips” section.

    It should be “Win over the author” instead of the admin. It is the author, not the admin who you are replying to in the comment. Many times it is indeed the same person, but not always.

    And I would add: Use their name. If you have the opportunity to meet a speaker who just gave a speech to the room you were in, you’re going to use their name when you let them know what you found helpful.

    The opposite side of the coin, as the author, you should address commenters by name. It’s only polite since they have given you their name.

    1. Hi Rob,
      somewhere you are right that it is not always possible admin if going to approve the comments, there may be some other authors. And I must thank you for making my post more valuable. keeping visiting and thanks for commenting.

  10. Hello Robin,

    Thanks for your visit to my place recently – I appreciated that and wanted toreturn the favor.
    And wow – what a topic you have here. Blog commenting is a very powerful facotr in building online relationships if its done correctrly.

    People who just leave “great post” comments add absolutely nothing to the post and are basically a complete waste of the blogger’s time even bothering to respond to them. In fact I delete those types of comments anyway.

    To keep thnigs verey simple because that’s the way I like to have things, if your comment is relevant and adds value to the post then I would see no reason why your comment would not be approved – provided you followed the commenting guidelines of some of the top bloggers (eg. do not leave a direct blog post url when completing the “website” details prior to commenting. Many top bloggers will delete your comment if you do this rather than a simple link to tour blog.

    Robin you gave some excellent advice for blog commentators but really when you think of it, most of it is common sense and common courtesy. Agree?

    Thanks again for your visit to my place – come back again next week OK?

    Best wishes from a remote Thai village blogger


  11. Hello Robin,
    This is a nice guideline and for newbie like me who just started to blog seems to be a perfect read. I was reading the above comment , but yes I have seen in the past few weeks when ever I feel the content can have different perception as per the author mindset. They never approve that comment and when we write about the post as its the perfect on percentage of approval gets boost.

    Back to you!! 🙂

  12. You have some good tips, here!

    First, let me say this: I don’t expect all my readers to agree with everything I write, and to do so consistently implies that either we are clones, or that the reader is insincere. There are few things I dislike more than dishonesty, hypocrisy, or insincerity. But now I think I understand why so many “spam” comments come across that way. (The opposite advice – to bop the author on the nose and try to provoke an angry reply – is also a bit odd for a commenting technique, but it must work for some people!)

    Second, you (along with many other bloggers) seem obsessed with doing everthing “perfectly.” As a lifelong perfectionist, let me just say, “Good luck with that.” You may die trying, but none of us will ever achieve “perfection.” I would strive to do my best, and to do better every day until everyone else thinks I’m doing it perfectly. (There’s a huge difference between that and actual perfection!)

    I don’t read everyone’s comment policy! Ooops! 😀 I have one, myself. I can point to it and say, “There, see? THAT is why I didn’t let your comments through!!” but I only trot it out if someone’s being a pest. I actually let most comments through, if they’re not totally mindless and don’t lead to sites that are spammy, scammy, or otherwise horrible. (I do check. I’m sure you’ve figured THAT out by now! Not everyone does.) Just remember that the blogger’s rules for his own blog are never wrong, could change tomorrow if someone abuses leniency, and aren’t up for debate.

    Is this comment too long? If so, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to fill out the metadata eight times or so, to make multiple comments on the same post. 🙂 Meh – you don’t have to approve this, of course!

    I think you could clarify what you mean by being “unique.” I had to read that section twice before I felt sure you meant the opposite of what it seemed you were saying. I prefer comments that add fresh information to the discussion, if there is one – or that manage to make “nice post” sound sincere by telling me what you, the reader, specifically felt was nice about it (mention something you’d only know if you bothered to READ the post, in other words).

    I really like these tips. You might mention WHY it’s important to have a Gravatar. Other than that, I can’t think of much else I’d add. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I’ll let that one through just as soon as I get back there.

  13. Hello,
    This post was will helpful for me to get new back links from blog commenting.

    Thank you
    Robin Khokhar

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