10 Effective Blog Writing Hacks to Improve Conversions through Your Website

  Despite putting so much effort into your blogs and regularly posting them, you just aren’t getting enough leads. Well, that is...

10 Effective Blog Writing Hacks to Improve Conversions through Your Website

Image Credits: pixabay


Despite putting so much effort into your blogs and regularly posting them, you just aren’t getting enough leads. Well, that is because something is missing – your posts just don’t seem to have the spark that can entice, engage, and compel your visitors to take action. Most people don’t even click on your posts when you share them on social media and other channels. And those that do, don’t even read halfway through. But there are some blog writing hacks which can help you to get more conversions from your website.

So what’s the solution? How do you ensure that your blog generates the required conversion rates? Hire reputed content writing services for the job and work with their team to come up with a solid content strategy.

Begin by ensuring that you are targeting the right kind of audience and then figure out the theme and topics for your blog. Remember that you only have 2-3 seconds to grab attention and force your potential visitors to actually read the entire post. So you really have to nail it in the first few lines.

Image Credits: pixabay

Here are some effective blog writing hacks which have been put together by our expert content writers.

  1. Understand Your Target Audience

Not really related to writing, but it’s really important. You must know who your audience is, what their needs are, and what they expect from you. Should you try to wild guess all these answers? No, please. If you really want your blog to be effective, you just cannot guess who the right audience is and what they want. Instead, you should determine your target profile through industry and competitor analyses, using data-driven approaches. When carrying out research, develop potential buyer personas that specify the average age, gender, profession, marital status, interests and common challenges faced.

Only when you know the best audience for your products and their most demanded needs, can you draft valuable content for them, offering them the solution that they are looking for. Understanding your audience also helps you figure out topics that will be most successful and have a suitable writing style and tone. For instance, you’d choose a lively and exciting tone for to-be moms, whereas you’ll prefer a professional tone if you’re communicating with C-level executives through your blog posts. Also, remember that your audience doesn’t always want to become experts – but they do want to know what you would do for them and how your products and services would impact their lifestyle. Once you start addressing their concerns, you’ll soon build trust, establishing yourself as authoritative and credible in your industry.

  1. Work on Topics That Address Pain Points

What challenges are faced the most by your target audience? They should serve as topics for your blogs, answering common questions and addressing their pain points. Such topics increase conversions and generate greater interest because visitors want to find solutions to their problems.

  1. Conduct a Thorough Keyword Research

Great, so now you have quite a lot of information on your target audience. Time to figure out what they search for the most. Keyword research can be conducted through a wide range of tools, many of which are available for free. Our favourites include KeywordTool.io, Twitter Advanced Search, Google Adwords, and SEMRush. SEMRush is paid, but it does a phenomenal job at helping you find the most suitable set of keywords for your blog and gain insight into what your competitors are doing.

Reputed content writing services can easily help you with this part, but you should still try it out on your own as well and share the list of keywords that you come up with.

  1. Draft Compelling Headlines

As we said, you only have a mere number of seconds to force your potential readers to take notice. And if the heading is not compelling, there is very little chance that they’d bother scrolling down to the content part of your blog.

Headlines are crucial for blog success and they significantly contribute to the conversion rates. Before you finalize them, pass them through various online headline analyzers so as to gauge the emotional marketing value that you would be able to derive through them.

  1. Provide Answers… But Not All of them

While your blog offers should offer a solution, they shouldn’t provide complete answers. Do present a framework that solves a problem, offering information that is valuable and actionable. But leave out enough details so that your visitors are forced to pick up the phone and call you, drop you a message or perform your desired action.

  1. Add Plenty of Subheadings

Breaking long and monotonous posts into clear and distinguished sections is crucial. Reading one huge paragraph without any heading in between is actually a hassle and can drive visitors away. So, do add as many headings and sub-headings as required.

Keep in mind that many visitors only skim content before reading the complete thing, and this is why headings and sub-headings are quite handy. They ensure that the readers stay on the page.

  1. Use Bulleted Lists

This is a basic writing hack, but still worthy of being discussed. Like headings, bulleted lists also emphasize the main points and can easily and quickly be skimmed through. Good content writers find the following tips the most useful when writing bulleted items.

  • Treat your bulleted items as mini-headlines.

  • State the benefits clearly.

  • Ensure all items on the list are symmetrical, not taking up more than two lines.

  • Only emphasize the main features, points or benefits. Leave out the details for the remaining blog.

  1. Add Images

Your brain processes visual content faster than text and retains the information much better. Add captivating images to boost engagement. Needless to say, your images must either be designed by a professional graphics team or be royalty-free. You can check this list of royalty-free stock images.

Quality blog writing services suggest posting infographics as well because they can derive greater conversion.

  1. Keep SEO Optimization in Mind

No, this doesn’t mean stuffing your content with all kinds of keywords that you find. But you should also not completely forget SEO. Organic searches direct most of the traffic to blogs and websites, which is SEO optimization is essential. Understand key ranking factors and ensure that your blog follows SEO requirements. Some effective tips that you should always remember are the following.

  • Write proper meta titles and descriptions for your posts.

  • Make use of focus keywords, which should be long-tailed.

  • Add the image alt attribute.

  • Include anchor links

  1. Come Up with Clear CTAs

All of your blog posts must be equipped with clear CTAs. What do you want your readers to do? Whether you want them to drop a comment, share the post further or buy your product, highlight this very clearly, ensuring that it stands out well.

Your post may offer significant value, but if you don’t have a good CTA, you’ll definitely lose leads. Good CTAs are oriented towards action, creating urgency and compelling your readers to respond. It is important to place them appropriately in highly visible positions.


Learn the Difference Between a Blog And an Article.

Dave Brown

As a Sr. Editor, Dave and his team of article writers have helped small and large businesses get results through content. Look no further if you’re looking for a copy that stands out, makes an impact, and converts. Here they help you achieve your marketing goals through creative, well-researched content that follows the best SEO practices. Get in touch today!


8 Replies to “10 Effective Blog Writing Hacks to Improve Conversions through Your Website”

  1. Hallo Mr.Dave Brown
    You have explained very well.
    Very good article.
    thank you for sharing.

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