How to Turn Your Blog into a Money-Making Machine with Ease

I know how it feels. I know how it feels when you try hard to get every single visitor to your site....

Blog into a Money-Making Machine

Image Credits: pixabay

I know how it feels.

I know how it feels when you try hard to get every single visitor to your site. You thought it was all easy when you first started your blog, right?

But soon you realized building a profitable blog is NOT easy.

To build a profitable blog;

  • You need more traffic
  • You need more sales
  • You need qualified email subscribers
  • Social media fans and the list goes on.

Did you know that 81% of the blogs NEVER make even 100 dollars? Yea that sounds hard, but that’s the truth.

Almost 2 million blog posts are getting published every single day, so it’s NOT so easy to turn your blog into a money-making machine in 2017.

So if you’re finding proven ways to build a better blog that makes money, this post is for you!

And even you can read this “how to start a successful blog?”

Let’s dive into the details to see what you can do to turn your blog into a profitable one.

Build an email list

Money is on the list they say.

But do you know how much money can you actually make from an email list?

Top bloggers like Derek Halpern, Pat Flynn, Ramit Sethi makes 80% of their income from their email lists. That means they are literally making millions of dollars by using their email lists. That’s the great thing about building an email list – it helps you make passive income even while you sleep.

But here’s the thing.

Building an email list is NOT enough.

You need to build a hungry group of people who are ready to buy whatever you sell. That’s the whole idea behind building a profitable email list.

So how you do you build an email list that makes money?

Here are few proven ways to build and grow a profitable email list.

  • Make sure to create a bribe for your audience. No one wants to give their email address for free. So make sure to create a freebie such as an eBook, plugin, video or anything that is valuable for your target audience.
  • Use email optin forms at most visible places like top notification bar, popup, footer, end of the post, sidebar, etc. to collect as many emails as possible.
  • Running giveaways can quickly help you build a bigger email list. People love giveaways, and you can easily spread the word about your blog by running frequent giveaways.
  • Always focus on writing great email sequences. There’s no point in creating a dead email list. Create an autoresponder email series to educate your audience about the products and services that you promote to make money from your site.
  • If you want to make money from affiliate marketing apart from using an email list, you can also create deal pages by offering discounts and coupons to turn normal website visitors into buyers. Most people would love to give a try to them instantly when they see stunning offers or deals.

That being said, if you want to turn your blog into a money-making machine, make sure to study top blogs in your industry. I’ll tell you how.

Read and analyze successful blogs

You’ve seen their posts on their blogs.

They literally received thousands of shares and hundreds of backlinks.

Yes, I’m talking about the content that gets published on authority blogs.

Almost every top blog gets thousands of social shares, comments, links as soon as they publish. When you try to analyze how they are attracting so much attention with their content, you will start finding clues.

That’s the reason why you should always study successful blogs in your industry.

Here are few simple tasks you can do a study and analyze top blogs so you can easily figure out how to create a money-making blog.

  • Create a spreadsheet and list at least 10 to 20 top blogs in your industry. You can easily use search strings like “top marketing blogs” (replace marketing with your industry) to find out all the authority blogs in your niche.
  • Once you have a list of top blogs, try to analyze their content. Try to replicate the same by using unique angle (to attract more traffic, shares, and links). This is also known as Skyscraper technique which was coined by Brian Dean from Backlinko.
  • Analyse all the top blogs monetization strategies. See how they are promoting their products or services using their blog, content and email lists. Subscribe to their email lists to see how they are using their email sequences. This practice can quickly help you come up with a profitable business idea for your own sites to monetize later.

Focus on SEO

What’s the ultimate goal of any blog? Getting more sales, right?

But do you know what’s more important than sales?

It’s your website traffic.

Website traffic is the lifeblood of any successful blog that makes HUGE money in the long run. That too search traffic is the KEY. So how do you get more search engine traffic?

Firstly, increasing your search traffic is NOT easy as you think. It takes a lot of time to actually start getting visitors from Google to your sites (especially when you have a new blog with less domain authority).

So the first step should be focusing on your blog’s Domain authority (in other words your DA). The best way to increase your DA is to attract as many quality links as possible.

Focusing on SEO can help you quickly increase your website sales. So here are few quick SEO tips that can help you get more traffic.

  • Use WordPress SEO by Yoast. If you’re a WordPress user, this plugin is a great weapon. It helps you easily optimize your blog posts for particular keywords. Just install the plugin, insert a keyword while writing a post and it will give you suggestions on how to optimize your blog posts to get more traffic from Google. It’s as simple as that.
  • Focus on keyword research. Finding and using the right keywords is the key to getting more search traffic. Always focus on finding long tail keywords as they tend to send you high-quality traffic with less competition.
  • When you’re just starting out, make sure to leverage other traffic sources such as blogging forums, guest posts, social media sites, etc. to get visitors to your sites (search engine traffic usually takes time).
  • Attract as many links as possible. Backlinks are golden!

Learn the art of selling

Selling is hard. Especially selling online is REALLY hard.

If you don’t know how to sell online, you can never build a profitable blog that makes money.

There are no secrets about how to sell online. You need to experiment a lot. You need to know how to persuade your blog audience to take action.

You need to learn how to write captivating content that sells itself. If you can build trust and authority with your blog’s content, selling becomes so easy.

That’s the reason why you need to learn the art of selling. Read as many marketing books as possible. Listen to podcasts. Watch TEDx videos to know how to persuade your audience to buy your stuff.

Here’s a quick tip for you.

Observe and analyze Facebook ads. See how the ads are written. See which headlines are used. Once you learn how to create powerful headlines and copy, you can replicate the same thing on your own sites while writing product reviews or selling your own products or services.

Harness the power of social media

Social media is the quickest way to generate a lot of buzz.

Justin Bieber went from an unknown kid to a popular celebrity by using YouTube. And there’s Gangnam style. So there are a lot of things you can do with social media to become popular and really make money from your efforts.

If you’re running a blog, make sure to create social media accounts across all platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Provide easy links (on your sidebar or footer) to let your blog audience easily follow on social media.

Make sure to use social sharing buttons within your blog posts and regularly engage with your audience on social media sites.

Instead of promoting your blog across all the social media networks at once, focus on one platform at a time. That way you can quickly harness the power of social media.

Over to you

Building a profitable blog that makes huge money is NOT hard as you think.

You just need to have a solid strategy, study successful blogs and learn the art of selling, and you’ll be way ahead of your competitors.

Did you like this post? If yes, share it with others so they can benefit. If you’ve any tips on how to build a money making blog, share them in the comments below.

Rahul Kuntala

Rahul Kuntala is a Computer Science graduate who started blogging full-time since 2012. He’s Ironman, retired now. Passed on a legacy to a brat called Robert Downey. Read his blog if you like the bio and content


18 Replies to “How to Turn Your Blog into a Money-Making Machine with Ease”

  1. Hi Rahul,
    Comfortable post, you shared very useful information about what I am looking for.
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  2. Hi Rahul!
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    Thanks and Regards.

  3. Hi Rahul,
    You took authentic care for composing the post for newbies. They think, earning through blogging is an easy matter. Only after start, they know how tough to make a profitable blog is. Here you explained precisely. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Hi Rahul, as you have pointed out to be a successful blogger you need to be many things. A good writer, a marketing expert, a public relation expert, should have an upper hand in search engine optimization. You are absolutely right and most bloggers follow the methods you have pointed out. But one thing you failed to mention is that most newbies give too much importance to SEO and money making. They fail to give much thoughts, on the whole, helping another aspect of blogging. Also, they fail in public relation area too.
    Any way a very good article.
    Thank you

  5. Good tips! Thank you for fantastic information I used to be searching for this info for my mission.

  6. Excellent publish, a person discussed very helpful info with regard to exactly what I’m searching for.
    I acquired much more as well as much better info through a person within just a couple min’s,
    continue the great work.
    Thanks and Regards

  7. Hey Rahul.. Thanks for sharing. One thing you did great was to mention upfront that building a profitable blog is a lot of hard work. A lot of times, new bloggers start by comparing themselves with established pro bloggers. What some of us don’t see is the hard work and commitment that has gone into building the great blogs.

  8. Agreed that getting visitors on blog is really hard. i have installed Yoast plugin but still finding difficulty in finding views for my website..Is long tail keywords are helpful for hindi sites as well. It will be great if you provide some more insights to get traffic

  9. very great initiative you shared with us.
    It is really good to know
    Good that you shared it thrugh your pages.
    This will give a quick idea of what you are doing and what others can expect from you.
    It is really a great idea to share the rules and regulations via a separate post.
    Good that you did it thru this post.
    Keep writing

  10. Hi Rahul,
    I am so glad by reading your article. Really this will help me a lot to promote my blog and making money from your demand post
    You recommended that to create a spreadsheet and list at least 10 to 20 top blogs in our industry, so my question to you that, To collect top blogs about my “top marketing blogs” will we replace the word marketing with “affiliate”? (My niche is affiliate). Advance thanks!

  11. Hi Rahul!
    Very nice post, you shared very useful information for what I am looking for.
    I got more and better information from you in just a few minutes,
    keep up the good work.
    Thanks and Regards.

  12. Hi Robin,
    Great guest post by Rahul Kuntala.
    I agree building a profitable blog is not hard as you might think. It’s just a lot to learn. This article spells it out very well. “You just need to have a solid strategy, study successful blogs and learn the art of selling, and you’ll be way ahead of your competitors.” A good tip on using WordPress SEO “The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps.” Will be sharing this post.

  13. Hey Rahul!

    I enjoyed reading your post here!
    You are right, building a profitable blog online is not as hard as you would think. It does take passion to keep you going, though. You have to pick the right niche and make sure you are building something you are very happy to work with. Also, understand this is a business you are starting from SCRATCH – that means no pay at the very beginning.

    Success is a process!

    Thanks for sharing this valuable post Rahul!


    1. Hi Freddy,
      Picking the right niche is the key here.
      Unfortunately, most people focus on too many topics and they often fail to capture the right market. That’s why always focus and dominate a small niche.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Hi Rahul,

    You’re right, building a profitable blog is a lot of hard work. Most people think that just because they set up a blog, they’ll start seeing money in the first couple months.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t really happen like that. You have to put in the work and eventually, you’ll see the results from your hard work.

    My blog is now a year old and I am starting to see traffic from Google. It’s nice to see my organic traffic increasing.

    Great tips on promoting our blogs through guest posting. Actually, that’s the method that I’ve been using to help me build up my blog. While I don’t focus on the actual link I get from the guest post, I can tell that it’s definitely helping my blog grow.

    Thanks for sharing these tips, I have no doubt that they will help so many people realize what it takes to create a profitable blog.

    Have a great day 🙂


    1. Hi Susan,
      Building a profitable blog is NOT easy at all. If that was so easy, everyone would be doing it.
      Jokes apart, yea, it really takes some time to get traffic from Google. Glad to know you’re blogging consistently from 1 year 🙂
      Let me know if you’ve any questions.

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