Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.
Many bloggers and video bloggers are making a healthy income from Google AdSense. Although The criteria for the Video bloggers to Get...
Many bloggers and video bloggers are making a healthy income from Google AdSense. Although The criteria for the Video bloggers to Get Google AdSense is a little easy when it comes to Website or Blog then you need to keep these things in mind before Applying for Google AdSense.
It is the demand of the AdSense and the other thing about it is that to Google it is very much clear that you are not a scam (potential internet threat) and provides a more keen business concept. Google will run a check on the conditions if a policy exists.
The privacy policy is something which explains to the prospect readers to stay longer on the blog, what they should and what they probably should not be doing. So it is good to have a privacy policy as it will entail the info to the readers of the dos and don’ts. It may effect on approval but definitely worth a shot.
The primary thing one needs to have if a person is looking forward to applying for Google AdSense is writing top-notch quality content. It is a vital thing one needs to pay attention to. Google adores the content which is rich in quality and the huge audience visiting the page. Never forget that application is going to get reviewed by people so we all know it is a bit difficult to impress humans because of the diverse variety of their choices. What makes humans interested to approve is as follows:
This is the frequent mistake any blogger would make. Tons of bloggers out there never fail to state that they already have a privacy policy but guess what? They are wrong they don’t have it, they never had. That will be the first thing needed to get approval for AdSense as if you don’t have a privacy policy you are not going to get the approval. You must state in your Privacy policy the use of the information of your visited provided while assessing your site and subscribers. And you must mention about the Google AdSense advertisement policy for sure.
Similar to privacy policy a blogger needs to have an about page before getting an approval. This will definitely show that there is a human behind the blog operations.
A great role is played by the about page and has even a greater significance before one applies for AdSense. But in a run to get the approval one must not forget about the about page as it is something that could not be neglected. It is a better description of the blogger and page it will help in establishing the reader relationship and being vulnerable is what gives rise to trust among the readers.
It is for sure that everyone needs his/her opinion the most. What one may be liking may probably be not liked by another. It is more of providing a chance to come with their opinion and share their thoughts on the blog what they want to be edited what they prefer and what they not.
So it is advisable to create a contact page so it is recommended to include the email address with which the Google AdSense will approve the ad. So try your best to get an email id with the domain address. Therefore by creating a contact page you show that you care for visitors, customers and have a will to help them out while showing that you are all ears at any point of given time.
When applying never miss on entering your name and email address in an area which is visible enough just like the contact and about pages. This will send a confirmation to the Google AdSense team that it is a similar person who did apply for AdSense and not some bots. This will in turn speed up the verification procedure and it will be done in just no time an individual may be able to get approval from the AdSense account.
What is the minimum count of posts one should have before the Google AdSense approves? A good enough question but certainly there is no answer to that question. It was seen that a blog post with hundreds of posts did not get approved but a blog with mere 10 posts did get approved and running perfectly with AdSense. According to most of the experts, the ideal time to apply for AdSense is when having about 20 quality posts on the blog with at least 600 words of high-quality content. Although, it does not matter how long the post should be or how short but the posts in your blog must be complete in itself and informative.
As acknowledged earlier the blog layout matters and it should be more executive and not similar to a messy gallery stacked with pictures here and there. A tidy, executive and quick loading design is very much liked by Google. Whenever a person comes on a blog post or a webpage what is the first thing that is noticed? It is definitely how well the blog is designed. One needs to design it very intelligently as it should neither be too simple nor be stacked with unnecessary things which may reduce the loading page speed.
After content, blog design is what falls next into the list which therefore shows that the experience, expertise, and professionalism. It should have the below attributes
So it is recommended to take care of the above things or you can get the chances of getting approved by Google AdSense. As we all know there are ample of free WordPress themes available to choose from.
It is suggested to stay very alert when choosing the type of content which is going to be published that is because that has the greatest significance over all the other things that matters.
Also, there is also a handful of languages which supports Google AdSense so one needs to ensure that the blog language falls into the AdSense list of supported language
Google over time has made some alterations to the policies. If it so happens that you have a blog with hub spot and the domain is then there is a high possibility of the approval. Also, the same domain cannot be used elsewhere. One will have to submit the request to overhaul the AdSense account. The ideal domain is the one that comes with the .com extension. Prefer going with a concise yet one of a kind and convenient to recall and is relevant to the blog and topics on the blog.
The other significant things on the domain are the age as it greatly matters in countries like India and has switched over the blog age bar. Sites that are less than 180 days old are not accepted at all. However, a blogger if has a blog which a presence on a network of fewer than 6 months one could still apply for AdSense.
A blogger if has multiple ads placed like info links, Chitika, clicks and it’s about time to get rid of them. One needs to be ensured that all the ads are removed from the respective blogs.
Google AdSense authorizes a user to consider using other ad networks including them as it is good to have them removed right before applying and compile it all together until getting a revert from AdSense is possible. However, it takes anywhere between a couple of days to a couple of weeks. And also I recommend you to not to put hands off Adwords management service as well.
So right before the application is submitted for making Google AdSense work one needs to be assured to having all the ads removed that originates from other networks.
Google hates tricks and hates it, even more, when it comes traffic when is originated from a duplicate source. To be precise what we are taking here is paid traffic which a blogger can get from anywhere while paying a small amount. One can do that or one can opt to get the traffic from the recommended ways of Google, the ways which Google approves. However paid traffic is really a not great success for the bloggers, traffic that comes on their consent is a mile marker for the bloggers. Also one needs to be very much sure that Google rejects those sites that have originated from not so valid sources. So focus on getting more traffic from the organic searches.
A common mistake seen these days is the young masses try to fake their ages by entering incorrect dates and birth year. And then comes in the trouble when Google crosschecks the information provided by the blogger. So it is recommended that a blogger should be of legal age as Google is not for minors.
How to many ad units can be applied using Google AdSense.
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I strongly recommend you to go with the above thing which I am sure about, things you must do before applying for Google AdSense. And even Google Auto Ads are also a priority these days so, I recommend you to read more about it.
And surely we will be happy to hear from you and help you to get your Google AdSense approved.
You have given very important information about Google Adsense. Thanks
Major factors which I believe contribute to getting your Adsense approved are location and traffic of the website. Generally, USA based Adsense requests get approval on first priority and if your blog is having a great amount of traffic on it then it also gets highly likely that you would get approval fast.
Hi Rachel,
I don’t know why Google gives more preference to the USA based Google Account but If you have traffic on your blog with unique content than for sure you will get your Google account approved.
Thanks for the comment.
Hi Robin,
Nice post, You have shared some wonderful suggestions.
Thanks for sharing, have a good day.
It’s been a pleasure for me to read such an informative article. I love reading good content and It’s one of them.