Apps, Development, Errors

7 Reasons Why Android Apps Fail?

Each month, nearly 100,000 Android apps appear on the Google Apps Play Store. However, not all of them are successful. A very...

Each month, nearly 100,000 Android apps appear on the Google Apps Play Store. However, not all of them are successful. A very small number of these apps manage to impress users and attain enough downloads.

It may not be completely attributed to the developer’s mistakes because the competition is extremely sharp. Still, developers need to avoid some common blunders while developing Android apps.

Today, we will shed some light on these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Having An Inferior or Impractical Idea

Remember that your app’s idea should solve the problem of your end-users. An idea may look amazing in theory but if it fails to impress people, it’s useless. A lot of developers make this mistake and build a product without doing any research.

If your app is not targeted at your consumer’s needs, or even worse, was developed without doing any research bout the target audience, it’s likely to fail in app stores. Also, competitive analysis is important to create an app that will eventually gain loads of downloads.

Insufficient User Experience

The second biggest mistake many app developers commit is that they make their apps quite complicated. Remember, even if you build a highly functional and useful app but users are confused while using it, they may end up uninstalling it

If your Android application has cool features but users have to go on a long hunt to find them, your Android apps fail. Make sure that users catch all the basic features in minutes without any effort.

In addition to that, you would want to steer clear of slow load time, long onboarding procedures, user interface delays like slow swiping or scrolling, puzzling visuals, chaotic UI, broken-up or incomplete user workflows, and more.

Making a Monetization Strategy In a Rush

A majority of mobile applications never get enough downloads to monetize them. The reason is the lack of a robust monetization plan. Thus, you should develop an appropriate money-making strategy by researching and installing competitors’ apps and learning their monetization strategies.

For people to spend money on your app, you need to show them that your app provides great value. If your app is intuitive and has an eye-catching interface along with delivering great functionality, only then people will skip your competitors for you.

If you are a company that deals with Android app development then you should try to think like a user. Also, try to figure out their likes, dislikes, favorite features for which they are willing to splurge, and more.

5 Main Reasons Why A Mobile App Is Likely To Fail

1. The app doesn’t employ any new technology

The app development sector is an ever-growing sector and every day a new app with a brand-new technology hits the market. To make your app stand out, you need to build an application that incorporates trending technologies.

Moreover, apply new technologies strategically in your product to get loads of downloads and appraise. Bear in mind you should employ a new technology only if it fits your project.

If you forcefully stuff a new technology, say augmented reality, it will likely frustrate your users.

AR is massively popular these days, thanks to the gaming industry. But it is also highly useful in the healthcare and educational sectors.

2. Poor App Promotion Approach

Consider your app as your product and yourself as a marketer. Just like even the best product will not make sales if it’s not properly marketed, in the same way even the finest quality app will not succeed if it’s not promoted well.

Still, a lot of developers commit this blunder and focus all their energies and resources on design and development and ignore the marketing aspect. In a highly competitive market like the mobile app industry, it becomes crucial to advertise and promote your application properly to your intended users.

After all, if your potential consumers don’t know that your app even exists, how would they reach it? Fortunately, developers can use free marketing tools that are easily available on the internet.

3. Lack of Rigorous Testing

Users don’t give a second chance to mobile applications. One crash and they will leave a negative review on your app. As an app developer, your goal is to get positive feedback from existing users to prompt other people to join the bandwagon and not the opposite.

The only solution is to conduct rigorous and well-structured QA testing during the full app development lifecycle to ensure proper debugging. What’s more, you should always test before introducing the latest update or new features.

Remember that if you launch your app in a hurry without appropriate debugging, you may lose your users and they may not come back even after you have solved the errors.

Though it’s impossible to make an app bug-free, you should strive to present such a product that will impress your consumers.

4. Disregarding User’s Feedback

Snubbing users’ suggestions is a sure-fire way to let your app fail. Many developers keep focusing on encouraging more installation and ignore the criticism users are throwing. Consumers are the most honest judge and their reviews can help you a lot in improving your app’s performance.

Your users should feel that their voice is heard and appreciated rather than discarded. It will encourage them to keep using your app and wait for you to solve the errors. Moreover, it will prompt other people to download your app seeing you care about your users.


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Written by Abdul Basit
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