Marketing, Security

5 Signs Your Marketing Company Is Scamming You

Marketing has long been a part of our daily lives. Big business recruits the best specialists to increase sales. Big money, on...

5 Signs Your Marketing Company Is Scamming You - Tricky Enough

Marketing has long been a part of our daily lives. Big business recruits the best specialists to increase sales. Big money, on the other hand, attracts not only good, highly qualified marketers but also inexperienced individuals who simply “consume the company’s budget.” Do you know how to determine whether your marketing company is worth investing in?

Nowadays, marketing is the driving force behind the trading market. As a result, knowing effective tools for promoting products and services is simply a requirement, because each new day brings new trends that must be considered.

There are not many effective methods for marketing the brand. Experts, on the other hand, are acutely aware of it. The five key features listed below can help you determine your marketing specialist’s level of knowledge. Why not ask your promotion and advertising specialist a couple of uncomfortable questions right now and steer him in the right direction?

How Do I Know If A Marketing Company Is Scamming Me?

The most common mistake made by inexperienced marketers is to ignore strategy development, analysis, and evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion channels, or to develop a campaign strategy without first setting goals. Entrepreneurs frequently spend money on advertising without delving into the details.

As a result, not only does your marketer fail to invest in brand development and high-quality advertising content, but he also “merges” your company’s budget. Here are five key indicators to look for when evaluating the work of your marketing firm.

Marketing, like Ratedbystudents, deals with various written content. Take note of your website’s contextual advertising. If it redirects the user to your website’s home page rather than the landing page, something is clearly wrong.

There are two types of landing pages: information and selling. Its primary function is to provide relevant information to the client. Modern users quickly lose interest in a website if they do not find what they are looking for right away.

The home page, with its numerous bookmarks, forces them to spend a significant amount of time searching for information. As a result, linking contextual advertising to the landing page is far more effective. Furthermore, it has a high conversion rate, which means it is more profitable because the return on investment in SEO optimization is also higher. Please remind your marketer of this.

Inadequate Understanding Of The Role Of ROI In Marketing

A marketer who justifies the targeted use of your budget based on the number of likes, reposts, site visits, and other similar indicators does not understand the meaning of “profitable marketing.” These metrics have little to do with profitability, as one should consider other websites ratings.

First and foremost, ROI (return on investment) is determined by the conversion of users into actual buyers. It makes no difference how many people “liked” the publication on social media if no one purchased anything. Content used in marketing firms must generate revenue in addition to serving an information function.

As a result, when reporting on the budget spent, a professional marketer discusses sales, conversion, and the number of successful leads. After all, you can calculate your profit per dollar spent with content marketing.

Your Social Media Activity Does Not Drive Traffic To Your Website

Refusing to promote on the Internet is becoming less common. It is possible, however, that the strategy was chosen incorrectly, or that startups are unaware of the benefits of SEO optimization of the site or social networks as channels for promoting their product.

If your Facebook or Instagram page readers have no reason to visit your website, your SMM investment is more of an advertising company supporter than an investment in your brand. SMM campaign posts and website content must be consistent.

Of course, the specifics of social networks necessitate posting information from other sources on the corporate page but do not forget about your own website. A good marketer knows how to strike a balance between reposting site content and creating publications specifically for social media.

When the enterprise site’s SMM strategy and information policy are integrated, a marketing campaign is more effective. The earlier a marketer understands this, the better for your company’s promotion.

Absence Of Communication With The Sales Department And Customers

The marketer, like the sales manager, must constantly analyze customer interests to adjust the marketing strategy. Understanding what customers want and how they want to get it is critical. Large corporations have special “Raise the Floor” programs that allow managers to better understand the needs of both simple employees and customers.

This type of experience is extremely valuable because it aids in the discovery of novel approaches to product promotion that the marketer may not have previously considered. Another common issue on this topic is the lack of interaction between marketing and other departments.

It is a bad sign if a marketer only meets with a sales director at general meetings. Internal communication with departments that are at least partially in charge of product promotion is critical for effective marketing.

Absence Of A Corporate Blog

How often do you check the company’s blog news? There are even more reasons to be concerned if you do not have one at all. A corporate blog is a universal tool for communicating with customers outside of the formal commodity-money relationship.

As part of a content marketing strategy, monitoring its content is just as important as posting on the company’s Instagram or Facebook page. Because the quality of the information published shapes the company’s image in the market, the topics should be relevant and interesting to the customers.

While reading the company’s blog, keep an eye out for the following minor indicators of the quality of the marketing firm’s work and proper money distribution:

  • Texts that are poorly written should not appear on your blog;
  • Pictures of goods or services provided by your company. They must not be stolen, of poor quality, or deceive the consumer about the quality of the goods;
  • Copy-pasted product/service descriptions. To persuade a customer to buy something, your description should be visually appealing and stand out from the thousands of similar descriptions on the market;
  • Outdoor advertising with the illegible font. People enjoy not only good images, but also reading about the product specifications;
  • Eye-catching images with film or cartoon images that catch the eye but do not promote the product. An image of a slim girl on a beautiful beach, for example, may entice you to purchase a plane ticket to Goa rather than the advertised weight loss tea.

If your blog has only a couple of articles published two years ago or content with plenty of errors, it is time to ask the marketer “Why?”


Marketing modernization is accelerating at an alarming rate. It is extremely difficult to keep track of all innovations and implement them in a timely manner. This can be an unsustainable task for a marketing company at times.

The days of using a single set of media tools to attract customers on a consistent basis are long gone. Over a thousand changes were made to the Google AdWords contextual advertising algorithm during the past decade. As a result, the ability to learn and retrain quickly is critical to future marketing effectiveness. Is your marketer up to the task?


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Written by Wanda Lafond
Wanda Lafond is a professional content writer, copywriter, content strategist, and communications consultant.

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