Blogging, Content

4 Types Of Writing Jobs To Try This Year

A lot of companies are trying to expand their services online to accommodate more customers. With this, the freelance writing field continues...

Types Of Writing Jobs

A lot of companies are trying to expand their services online to accommodate more customers. With this, the freelance writing field continues to change and be in demand, given the number of job postings. Presently, more writing opportunities are being offered to a lot of aspirants.

There are several types of writing jobs – from producing a magazine article to an email newsletter and maintaining social media posts. However, before you get too excited to send in your applications, you initially need to perform a bit of introspection.

You need to know what type of work you prefer to apply for, the pieces you need to comply with your portfolio, and assess and match your current skills with the job vacancies. Understanding these different facets may help you determine what job would suit you best. Likewise, your knowledge about all of these allows you to narrow down your options and choose the job that suits you best. Likewise, your knowledge about all of these allows you to narrow down your options and choose the job that suits you best.

To aid you, here’s a shortlist of the types of writing jobs you may apply for and try out this year.

1. Copywriting

Copywriting, also named ‘sales writing,’ is regarded as one of the critical elements of effective online marketing. It’s the art of strategically conveying words to attract customers to buy the product or click on the ad link to learn more about a company’s services.

Notably, any business interested to market its products or services to the public will benefit from a copywriter’s persuasive language. A copywriter will be a company’s strongest asset and contributor to growing market sales.

In addition, a copywriter is one of the most compensated freelancers globally. However, to become a proficient copy expert, you have to initially invest time and energy to master the craft. To know more about this reputable job title, read this blog post for additional information.

2. Content Writing

Content writers are competent writers who produce engaging content online. They may specialize in written content, but their skills can fit different demands–from typical blog posts to whitepapers and even video scripts. They’re Internet-savvy people who produce pieces that are published as Web material.

Notably, web content can take on a variety of shapes, both written and visual. Since content is meant to communicate to an intended audience, it has to be well-written and thoroughly researched. Nonetheless, if it didn’t resonate with the intended audience then, it may have not served its purpose.

Bear in mind that your audience includes, but is not limited to, current and potential customers, investors, and others. For this reason, high-quality content should be prioritized by businesses to meet the demands and expectations of varying readers. With this, learn to gather and equip yourself with content writing tools that would elevate the quality of your piece. 

3. Blog Writing

Blogging is the most popular writing job in the world of eCommerce. Likewise, this is the most convenient job to find since there are numerous job boards that provide writing opportunities for bloggers. Moreover, blogging can be considered a sub-category of content writing. This occurs when you’re producing blog posts for businesses as part of a content marketing tactic. However, it can also be a solo freelance activity.

You could write blog posts for small businesses, brands, or other entrepreneurs. The blog topics may vary depending on your client’s target. Keep in mind that a lot of businesses need this type of content on a constant basis. Hence, you need to make ample time for this since blog writing can be your recurring gig.

Commonly, blog posts are between 800-and 1500 words, which may incorporate certain keywords crucial for SEO rankings, draw people to headlines, or disseminate critical information.

4. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting is when you write online content for businesses, brands, magazines, or entrepreneurs and don’t earn any acknowledgment for it. Since you won’t receive any credit for your writing, you won’t be able to display your piece in your portfolio. Despite this, there are still a lot of writers who prefer this field. Why? Because it’s a highly profitable gig.

Depending on your competence and/or credibility, you can charge more for a ghostwritten piece compared to a piece with your name as the author. Hence, if you desire to become one, study and master your communication skills to get a chance to be employed as a ghostwriter.

The Takeaway

As a freelance writer, there are a lot of lucrative writing opportunities that you can explore in the field of eCommerce and marketing. Moreover, the writing profession is an ever-evolving job. With this in mind, continue to sharpen up your skills and expand your knowledge to gain a spot in the industry.


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Written by Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.

3 Replies to “4 Types Of Writing Jobs To Try This Year”

  1. Hey Robin Khokhar ,

    Awesome post with Fab-work. I truly like & appreciate the way you have presented each type of writing jobs that are true enough to understand. You have provided an informative guide explaining various types of writing jobs and i liked the writing jobs that you have shortlisted. Content writing jobs will be a good choice for those who can produce an engaging content, whereas Blog writing jobs will be a good option for those who are interested towards writing on any particular topic. It is true that in today’s time there are lots of profitable & advantageous writing jobs available that lets people to explore their knowledge in the field of marketing & e-Commerce but having in-depth information and good writing skills are also vital.

    After going through this complete guide i really gain ideas and according to me this is a perfect post to know about various writing jobs. I am sure that this post is definitely going to help lots of people, readers & especially writing-enthusiasts for choosing the best writing job options. Fabulous work and keep sharing more similar post.

    Eventually thanks for sharing your knowledge and such an informative post.


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