5 Reasons why your social media strategy isn’t working

We all are aware of the importance of social media strategy and social signals in SEO among over 200 factors mentioned by Matt...

social media strategy

Image Credits: pexels

We all are aware of the importance of social media strategy and social signals in SEO among over 200 factors mentioned by Matt Cuts and listed by Brian Dean. Another one also listed about 205 factors. Not just for SEO but also to get additional traffic along with the organic traffic.

We know how important social signals are to promote your website and people are getting massive traffic from Social Media when we say social media, it isn’t just Facebook, but there is a huge list of social bookmarking websites.

Also, social media is not just for link building but is a long-term thing that if implemented correctly, you can get huge traffic.

To grow your user base, you need to be present everywhere, be it on small or huge networks. Wherever you can find your audience, targeted customers, that is heaven for you, not Facebook or Twitter even if it has huge users.

To get more traffic and build your social reputation, you must be doing a lot of work or wanting to do a lot of work, but your social media strategy isn’t working.

Here, I am listing a few reasons, and you need to check within yourself as to what is that you are doing wrong and how to get it fixed.

1. Not Active

Only having a Facebook page or account on Reddit or Twitter wouldn’t really work. And if you think you can win hearts by just having a fan box on your website or blog, I am sorry, it won’t work that way either.

If you aren’t posting anything, how can you expect results?

The only key to getting more from Social Media is by working there as well.

Working on social media is one of your promotional methods, and you need to focus on that.

Social media has huge traffic, and you need to be present there all the time.

How can you do that?

Just begin by sharing your own links on your accounts and pages. Start interacting with people. Join conversations. Join others’ groups and pages. Follow them, like them, or comment, just be active. You will see people start to know you. Only commenting on blogs doesn’t come under commenting but commenting on social media is also a great way to build loyal readers.

If you are already active, congratulations! You are going great, now search your missing traffic’s reason below.

I mentioned above that you should share your website links on pages and groups. Please don’t overdo it. That is called spamming, another form of spamming anyway!

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To build a relationship with other bloggers, start sharing their content, they will see it, acknowledge it and that might get you some help as well from them (don’t hope for that, though).

The key is to post images and videos as well – which you think are helpful to your users. Create videos and share them on social media or post other’s work.

Post quotes.

Share images.

Post funny interactions with your audience, be sarcastic and witty.

You need to remember that you need to have hold of your audience and they should like you enough to consider your posts valuable and go check out your website.

As I mentioned above as well, share others’ work.

If you are just sharing your own links, videos, and quotes, you will soon be lost in social media.

I have tried this myself actually. I shared a few links from others’ work on my Twitter handle, and it got me connected to them, the better working bloggers.

I was able to connect with them and ask them a favor for guest blogging. In time to come, they may also like to share my work, but I won’t ask them.

I would rather focus on creating epic content, and that is how it should be. Try to spend as much time as you can researching and create awesome content for your blog; people will share it!

Posting others’ work will also tell your users that you are not up yourself, you are not full of yourself, but you read a lot and learn from a lot of places, at least I would think that way about someone doing such activity.

4. Trying to be on all the networks at once

Search on Google now – “list of social sites” or try “list of social bookmarking sites.”

You will get at least 3-5 links on the first page with such a list of sites. It is good to be everywhere, but you know you can’t be active on a personal basis on all those sites.

Create good connections on a few sites within a few groups. Take and give feedback. Take and give suggestions.

Once you start doing that, you will know you are building some good connections for a lifetime. Connections are worth more than SEO and social media promotions.

For getting personal, you need to be active on a few sites first, stay active and make connections, learn from them, and jump on other platforms.

Also, remember –

Not all the platforms will work for you. Stay where you think you can get more traffic from.


List of Social media sites which you can use for the same.

5. Not consistent

You are posting content, images, videos.

You are also sharing others’ work and your own. You are doing everything but not consistently.

Maybe you are busy with college, school, or job, or something else but when you are too busy, just hold on to one or two networks only.

But whatever the case, you need to stay active and consistent on those accounts. Keep posting.

Don’t die in silence.

Keep your blog/website updated and also the related social media page. The more you refresh, the better you go on social media.

What can you post? Learn from more pro bloggers’ accounts what they post.

Also, read:

How to get more likes and followers on your social Accounts?


Social media is huge, and you must take advantage of it but as I said, you need to be right in your approach from the beginning. If you use the right platform, you can get much more traffic than anything else.

I wish you success in getting traffic from social media.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section! Will be happy to hear.

Pankaj Dhawan

Pankaj Dhawan is the enthusiastic writer at Blogeomics.com having keen interest in learning about tech stuff, mostly about blogging, SEO and money making online and so he writes about these stuffs online. He loves sharing knowledge, collaborating with similar minded people and talking about ideas. You can make him happy by sending more comments and some pizzas ;)


17 Replies to “5 Reasons why your social media strategy isn’t working”

  1. It’s impossible to cover all the social media platforms, so I just do what I can on Twitter and (mainly) Facebook.
    I use Buffer to try and keep me consistent, and I’m testing out another one too and liking what I see.
    To mix up the content I use Buffer and add blog feeds into it. I tried to add TrickyEnough but got an error message – if you can let me know what I might have done wrong I’ll have another go as I like this blog. (I just added /feed at the end of the url!)
    Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark

  2. Hi Pankaj,

    This is a very helpful post on effectiveness of social media strategies.

    4th is the most common mistake of all. It is not important to be on the social network with highest number of users, but on the one where the target audience is hanging out. One needs to find out which platform can work best for the business and try to stick to that.

    Thank you for sharing the valuable tips. Take care and have a great week ahead 🙂

  3. very good What a detailed, informative, fantastic post! Thanks for putting this out to the world.

  4. I know some people from Internet people who have 2000+ real time stats on Google Analytics and what I find shocking or say really shocking was, all the traffic was coming from FACEBOOK ALONE. I mean this is Insane. Social Media sites have a lot of traffic for your website, all you need is to keep in mind the points you mentioned.
    The points you mentioned are absolutely true. I am also making some of mistakes.
    Thanks for sharing. Helped me.

  5. Hey Pankaj,
    Great article about social media strategy. I read many social media strategy post , but your post is unique and really helpful.Thanks for Sharing. 🙂

    1. Thanks Swapnil,

      Your words made my day and encouraged me to write more such articles.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Hi Pankaj,
    You have shared some points which are really true. Only by sharing self staffs and that also in a irregular way will not beneficial in any way. Things always work in a mutual benefit way. Thank you for sharing such useful points. Keep up the good work.

  7. Great tips Pankaj! I am guilty on some of those you pointed out especially when I was still starting out with blogging. By the way I was wondering, do you use any social media automation tool? do you suggest using one?

  8. The fact is, social media does work. You just have to know how to do it. Your social media strategy isn’t working because you don’t know what to do?
    Although, it is an amazing post.

    1. Hi Sanjay,

      This is true. We have to do social media marketing and be consistent on it to make much impact and get results out of it.

  9. Hey Pankaj,

    Glad to read your wonderful experience, in this era – social media mean online active, you can gain lot of fresh traffic from social platforms and those will helpful to establish business career.

    Consistency is highly required in social media and it is also considered as significant key to get success in social media. We can take massive positive advantage if we establish effective strategies. Thanks for sharing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      You are right. If you think you can’t be consistent on any social medium, you should stay away from it – as simple as that!

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